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Nucleic Acid Research Group Real-Time PCR Survey /phpESP/public/survey.php?na... 1 of 14 1/19/04 3:10 PM Nucleic Acid Research Group Real-Time PCR Survey Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities (ABRF) INTRODUCTION: This survey is designed to determine the current status of real-time PCR technology in laboratories around the world, particularly Core laboratories. Your answers will help us take the pulse of the real-time PCR community. Submissions are anonymous and results will be freely available via a web poster. This survey will be “open” until January 15, 2004. Results will be presented at the ABRF 2004 annual meeting in Portland, OR, Feb 28-Mar 2, 2004 and will be available on line by April 1, 2004. We think it will be worth your time to participate in this study. Nucleic Acid Research Group Real-Time PCR Survey /phpESP/public/survey.php?na... 2 of 14 1/19/04 3:10 PM Instructions: Please select the answer(s) that best applies to your situation. There are 58 questions. The survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete. If you submit a partial survey, you can still submit the remainder later and make a note in the comments box that this submission is a continuation. Contact Scottie Adams sadams@, if you have any questions or problems. FACILITY 1. At what type of facility are you located? Academic Government Industry Private Research Foundation !Other 2. Are you a member of a core facility? Yes No 3. If no, proceed to Question 7. If yes, do you offer other services? Yes No 4. If yes, what other services do you provide other than real-time PCR? Check all that apply. DNA synthesis DNA sequencing Microarray Genotyping (Fragment analysis) Mass spec !Other Nucleic Acid Research Group Real-Time PCR Survey /phpESP/public/survey.php?na... 3 of 14 1/19/04 3:10 PM 5. What level of real-time PCR service do you offer? Check all that apply. Access to Machine only PCR reaction only RNA/DNA prep cDNA prep Primer (probe)design Analysis Training Comp


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