SUSY Breaking at the Tip of Throat and Mirage Mediation.pdf

SUSY Breaking at the Tip of Throat and Mirage Mediation.pdf

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SUSY Breaking at the Tip of Throat and Mirage Mediation

a r X i v : 0 7 0 5 .3 3 3 0 v 2 [ h e p - t h ] 2 7 M a y 2 0 0 7 SUSY Breaking at the Tip of Throat and Mirage Mediation? Kiwoon Choi? Department of Physics Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Daejeon 305-701, Korea (Dated: February 1, 2008) Abstract We discuss some features of supersymmetry breaking induced by a brane-localized source which is stabilized at the IR end of warped throat, and also the resulting mirage mediation pattern of soft terms of the visible fields which are localized in the bulk space corresponding to the UV end of throat. Such supersymmetry breaking scheme can be naturally realized in KKLT-type string compactification, and predicts highly distinctive pattern of low energy superparticle masses which might be tested at the LHC. PACS numbers: ? Talk given at From Strings To LHC Workshop, Jan 2007, Goa, India ? email: 1 I. INTRODUCTION Low energy supersymmetry (SUSY) [1] is one of the prime candidates for physics beyond the standard model at the TeV scale which will be probed soon at the LHC. One key question on low energy SUSY is the origin of soft SUSY breaking terms of the visible gauge/matter superfields in low energy effective lagrangian. Most phenomenological aspects of low energy SUSY are determined by those soft terms which would be induced by the auxiliary components of some messenger superfields [2]. To identify the dominant source of soft terms and determine low energy superparticle masses, one needs to compute the relative ratios between the auxiliary components of different messenger fields. This requires an understanding of how the messenger fields are stabilized at a phenomenologically viable vacuum. In string theory, moduli fields (including the string dilaton) are plausible candidates for the messenger of SUSY breaking [3]. In addition to moduli fields, the 4-dimensional supergravity (SUGRA) multiplet provides a model-independent source of SUSY breaking called anomaly mediation [4], w


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