Symmetry Considerations for the Detection of Second-Harmonic Generation in Cuprates in the.pdf

Symmetry Considerations for the Detection of Second-Harmonic Generation in Cuprates in the.pdf

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Symmetry Considerations for the Detection of Second-Harmonic Generation in Cuprates in the

a r X i v : c o n d - m a t / 0 2 1 0 6 7 2 v 1 [ c o n d - m a t .s u p r - c o n ] 3 0 O c t 2 0 0 2 Symmetry Considerations for the Detection of Second-Harmonic Generation in Cuprates in the Pseudogap phase. M.E.Simon C.M.Varma Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill, NJ 07974 Abstract A proposal to test the proposed time-reversal and inversion breaking phase in the Pseudogap region of the Cuprate compounds through the variation of Second-harmonic generation intensity with temperature and polarization and angle of incidence is presented. Typeset using REVTEX 1 I. INTRODUCTION Feibig et al.1 have discussed the conditions for second harmonic generation proportional to the Time-reversal breaking order parameter for the case of magnetoelectric symmetry2, i.e. for the case that Time-reversal Symmetry R is broken and so is Inversion I but their product RI is preserved. Following earlier suggestions3,4, ARPES experiments with circularly polarized photons5 have detected such a phase in the so-called pseudogap phase in the phase diagram of a high temperature superconducting compound of the Copper-Oxide (Cu-O) family. Time-reversal is broken due to circulating currents in specific patterns within the unit cell with translational symmetry preserved. If this discovery is correct, it togather with the extensive evidence for Quantum Critical properties in the normal phase6 around the doping- density for the highest Tc implies that the basic framework for the theory of the Cuprates is in place. It is therefore very important to verify the discovery by independent experiments. Accordingly, we work out here the symmetry considerations for magneto- electric induced second harmonic generation in the Cuprates. Many terms in the multipole susceptibility contributes to the second harmonic gener- ation (SHG). The relevant contributions for the processes discussed here come from the magnetic-dipole, Mk(2ω) ∝ χmijk(ω, ω, 2ω)Ei(ω)Ej(ω), and the electric-dipole, Ek(2ω)


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