Synthesis of ZrO2-HfO2-Y2O3-Sc2O3 Nano-Particles by Sol-Gel Technique in Aqueous Solution of Alcohol.pdf

Synthesis of ZrO2-HfO2-Y2O3-Sc2O3 Nano-Particles by Sol-Gel Technique in Aqueous Solution of Alcohol.pdf

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Synthesis of ZrO2-HfO2-Y2O3-Sc2O3 Nano-Particles by Sol-Gel Technique in Aqueous Solution of Alcohol

Available online at www.sciencedirect.corn ∞ ScienceDirect ~ JOURNAL OF jiA置互EA赆IH JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS 25(2007)199—203 .elsevier.co埘,1ocale/jre Synthesis of ZrO2-HfO2-Y2 03-8c2 03 Nano-Particles by Sol-Gel Technique in Aqueous Solution of Alcohol Zhen Qiang(甄 强) , ,Chen Ruifang(陈瑞芳) ,Yan Kai(严 凯) ,Li Rong(李 榕) (j.School of Materials Science and Engineering,Shanghai University,Shanghai 200072,China; Center ofNanoscience andNanotechnology,Shanghai University,Shanghai200444,China) Received 31 July 2006;revised 15 October 2006 Abstract:Agglomeration—free nanosized ZrO2一HfO2一Y2()3一Sc203 composite powders were successfuly synthesized by Sol~el technique in heated aqueous solution of alcohol,using analytically pure ZrOC12。8H20,HfOC12‘8H20, Y(NO3)3-6H2O,and Sc203 as raw materials.1]he efect of synthesis condition on the size and dispersity of the composite powders was investigated by means of XRD,11三M ,and TG-DSC techniques.The results showed that well—dispersed pre- decessor of Zr()2-HfO2-Y2O3-Sc2O3 composite nanopowders could be obtained .Th e optional condition:PEG6000 as dis- persant was 1%,alcohol/H9O ratio was 5/1,metallic ion concentration in whole solution was 0.5 mo1.L and the pH valHe of the solution was 12.After calcined at 620℃ ,the po wder obtained was in uniform cubic structure,and its aver- age particle size was about 13 nnl,which was good for producing nanocrystalline solid electrolyte. Key words:ZrO2一HfO2一Y203一Sc203 composite nanopowders;sol·gel;aqueous solution of alcohol;dispersibility;rare earths CLC number:TF123 Document code:A Article ID:1002—0721(2007)02—0199—05 Zirconium dioxide is a signifcant material wim good physicochemical characteristics.It is used in many fields such as energY sources.material and en. vironment. Cubic phase zirconium dioxide doped with ytria(YSZ)is already in wide use in solid oxy。 gen fuel cell ’2j because of iIs excellent ionic con。 ductivity.Nanocrystaline solid electrolytic materials have beter mechanical prop


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