The ESO Slice Project (ESP) galaxy redshift survey I. Description and First Results.pdf

The ESO Slice Project (ESP) galaxy redshift survey I. Description and First Results.pdf

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The ESO Slice Project (ESP) galaxy redshift survey I. Description and First Results

a r X i v : a s t r o - p h / 9 7 0 4 0 9 7 v 1 1 1 A p r 1 9 9 7 AA manuscript no. (will be inserted by hand later) Your thesaurus codes are: 11(11.04.1; 11.12.2; 12.03.3; 12.12.1) ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS 1.2.2008 The ESO Slice Project (ESP) galaxy redshift survey: ? I. Description and First Results G.Vettolani1, E.Zucca2,1, G.Zamorani2,1, A.Cappi2, R.Merighi2, M.Mignoli2, G.M.Stirpe2, H.MacGillivray3, C.Collins4, C.Balkowski5, V.Cayatte5, S.Maurogordato5, D.Proust5, G.Chincarini6,7, L.Guzzo6, D.Maccagni8, R.Scaramella9, A.Blanchard10, and M.Ramella11 1 Istituto di Radioastronomia del CNR, via Gobetti 101, 40129 Bologna, Italy 2 Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna, via Zamboni 33, 40126 Bologna, Italy 3 Royal Observatory Edinburgh, Blackford Hill, Edinburgh EH9 3HJ, United Kingdom 4 School of EEEP, Liverpool John–Moores University, Byrom Street, Liverpool L3 3AF, United Kingdom 5 Observatoire de Paris, DAEC, Unite? associe?e au CNRS, D0173 et a? l’Universite? Paris 7, 5 Place J.Janssen, 92195 Meudon, France 6 Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, via Bianchi 46, 22055 Merate (LC), Italy 7 Universita? degli Studi di Milano, via Celoria 16, 20133 Milano, Italy 8 Istituto di Fisica Cosmica e Tecnologie Relative, via Bassini 15, 20133 Milano, Italy 9 Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, via Osservatorio 2, 00040 Monteporzio Catone (RM), Italy 10 Universite? L. Pasteur, Observatoire Astronomique, 11 rue de l’Universite?, 67000 Strasbourg, France 11 Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste, via Tiepolo 11, 34131 Trieste, Italy Received 00 - 00 - 0000; accepted 00 - 00 - 0000 Abstract. The ESO Slice Project (ESP) is a galaxy red- shift survey we have recently completed as an ESO Key– Project. The ESP covers 23.3 square degrees in a region close to the South Galactic Pole. The survey is nearly complete (85%) to the limiting magnitude bJ = 19.4 and consists of 3342 galaxies with reliable redshift determina- tion. In this paper, the first in a series that will present the resul


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