The Structure of Radiative Shock Waves. IV. Effects of Electron Thermal Conduction.pdf

The Structure of Radiative Shock Waves. IV. Effects of Electron Thermal Conduction.pdf

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The Structure of Radiative Shock Waves. IV. Effects of Electron Thermal Conduction

a r X i v : a s t r o - p h / 0 2 0 6 2 4 0 v 1 1 4 J u n 2 0 0 2 Astronomy Astrophysics manuscript no. (will be inserted by hand later) The structure of radiative shock waves IV. Effects of electron thermal conduction Yu.A. Fadeyev1, H. Le Coroller2, and D. Gillet2 1 Institute for Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Pyatnitskaya 48, 109017 Moscow, Russia 2 Observatoire de Haute-Provence - CNRS, F-04870 Saint-Michel l’Observatoire, France Received September 2001 / Accepted Abstract. We consider the structure of steady–state radiative shock waves propagating in the partially ionized hydrogen gas with density ρ1 = 10 ?10 gm cm?3 and temperature 3000 K ≤ T1 ≤ 8000 K. The radiative shock wave models with electron thermal conduction in the vicinity of the viscous jump are compared with pure ra- diative models. The threshold shock wave velocity above of which effects of electron thermal conduction become perceptible is found to be of U?1 ≈ 70 km s ?1 and corresponds to the upstream Mach numbers from M1 ≈ 6 at T1 = 8000 K to M1 ≈ 11 at T1 = 3000 K. In shocks with efficient electron heat conduction more than a half of hydrogen atoms is ionized in the radiative precursor, whereas behind the viscous jump the hydrogen gas undergoes the full ionization. The existence of the electron heat conduction precursor leads to the enhancement of the Lyman continuum flux trapped in the surroundings of the discontinuous jump. As a result, the partially ionized hydrogen gas of the radiative precursor undergoes an additional ionization (δxH . 5%), whereas the total radiave flux emerging from the shock wave increases by 10% ≤ δ(FR) ≤ 25% for 70 km s ?1 ≤ U1 ≤ 85 km s ?1. Key words. Shock waves – Hydrodynamics – Radiative transfer – Stellar atmospheres 1. Introduction In our previous papers (Fadeyev Gillet, 1998, 2000, 2001), hereinafter referred to as Papers I – III, we pre- sented the studies of steady–state radiative shock waves propagating in the partially ionized hydrogen


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