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U 10 知识点梳理

U 10 知识点梳理 补充词汇: 1.healthy:adj.意思是“健康的,健壮的,卫生的”,比较级和最高级:healthier,healthiest,反义词是unhealthy,名词:health。 e.g.Tom is healthier than Peter.汤姆比彼得健壮些。 Her mother is in good health.她母亲身体健康。 ①healthy意思是“健康的”,通常指人。 e.g.He is very healthy.他很健康。 2.habit (1)在单元里,该词的意思是“习惯”。 e.g.The boy formed the habit of reading.那个男孩养成阅读的习惯。 (2)由habit构成的常见短语: be in the habit of有……的习惯 get into the habit of染上……的习惯 get sb.into the habit of使某人养成……的习惯 get out of a habit戒除一种习惯 3. lose weight lose weight的意思是“减肥”,“体重减轻”,而put on weight的意思是“长胖”,“发福”,“体重增加”。 e.g.The big man often does morning exercises to lose weight.那个大块头的人常常晨练为的是减肥。 本课基本知识点 P691. healthy adj. 健康的 (fit) unhealthy adj. 不健康的 health n. (Running every day is good for our health.) healthy -- healthier -- healthiest 2.?the food pyramid 食物金字塔 3. It shows us how much of each food we need every day. 它表示了我们每天需要各种食物的数量。 4. a little 不可数名词 (肯定含义)5.?a few 可数名词的复数(肯定含义) little不可数名词 (否定含义) few 可数名词的复数(否定含义) 6. plenty of = a lot of (u.n./c.n/) (注意: a lot of 多用于肯定句)7.?we need sth. --- we don’t need sth. she needs sth.-- she doesn’t need sth. 8.?have good eating habits = have healthy diets 健康的饮食习惯 9.?an unhealthy diet 一个不健康的饮食 10.?stay with sb. for some time .(stay -stayed -stayed) 划线提问 How long 11.?What did you have for breakfast / lunch/ dinner? 12.??One… the other (两者)一个。。。另一个 one … anther (三者或以上) 一个。。。另一个 I have two brothers. One is a doctor and the other is a teacher. This pair of shoes is too small for me. Could you give another pair? 13.?healthier than 比...健康 unhealthier than ...= less healthy than…比。。。不健康 特别注意,要正确记忆. 14. as healthy as as unhealthy as (as + 原级+ as:和。。。一样) 15. morning exercise 更多的运动 16. live in the countryside / city 住在乡下/市区 17. should do sth. 应该做什么 should not do sth.不应该做什么 should, can, may ,must 都是情态动词+ 动词原形 18. keep fit (healthy)19. a quiz/test about… 一次关于。。。的测验 20. suggestions for good eating habits 好的饮食习惯的建议 suggest v. 建议 suggest doing…. suggestion . Unit10 词组 1、food pyramid 食物金字塔 2、plenty of (a lot of)fresh fruit


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