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Unit 3 Our Hobbies Topic 3 Section A 一、话题导学:(学习目标) 1. Learn some new words and phrases: answer, shower, take a shower, serve, chat ,news, museum, roast, duck 2.?Learn?the?past?continuous?tense:? (1)?—?What?were?you?doing?at?this?time?yesterday? ?—?I?was?taking?a?shower.? (2)?—?Were?you?playing?computer?games?? —?Yes,?I?was./ No,?I?wasn’t.? 3.?Go?on?learning?some?useful?expressions?on?making?a?telephone?call: ?(1)?May?I?speak?to?Jane?? (2)?Hold?the?line,?please.? 二、预习导纲: 1、单词互译与记忆 1) answer , 2) 消息,新闻 , 3) museum , 4)鸭子 2、短语互译与记忆 1) answer the telephone 2) practice doing 3)at this time 4)洗淋浴 ______ 5)与某人聊天 3、句子理解与熟读 —I was at the cinema at nine o’clock yesterday evening. What about you? —I _______ TV at home. A. am watching B. was watching C. will watch D. watched ( ) 2. I _______ a museum with my friends at this time yesterday. A. am visiting B. was visiting C. visited D. will visit ( ) 3. Listening to music is one of his favorite ______. It makes him happy. A. hobbies B. subjects C. sports D. colors ( ) 4. I quite agree _____ what you say. A. to B. with C. on D./ ( ) 5. Yesterday he called me ______ shopping but I didn’t stay in. A. going B. to go C. went D. goes 四、复习自测:补全对话 ( The telephone rings while Jane is practicing the violin.) Jane’s mother: Hello ! Maria: Hello ! 1 . May I speak to Jane ? Jane’s mother : 2 ( Jane answers the telephone.) Jane: Hello , Maria! Maria: Hello ! 3 Jane: I’m practicing the violin. Maria: What were you doing at this time yesterday? 4 Maria: This time yesterday? 5 A.Oh, I was taking a shower. B. I called you to go to the English Corner but no one answered.


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