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东大15秋学期《大学英语(一)》在线作业3满分答案 单选题 阅读理解 完型填空 一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 50 分。) 1. I told them I was perfectly ________ to help if they asked. A. happy B. interested C. willing D. kind -----------------选择:C 2. -- I m going to school now, Mum, Bye! -- Just a minute. Its cold outside._________ your coat, please. A. Put on B. Take off C. Put up D. Take down -----------------选择:A 3. -- Bob, would you like to come to our dinner party? --__________. A. Yes, I would B. Yes, I d love to C. No, I wouldn t D. No, I dont go -----------------选择:B 4. ______ Toms mother lets him look after the baby. A. At times B. Some time C. At the same time D. At all the times -----------------选择:A 5. Our teacher told us the earth ________ round the sun all the time. A. moved B. travels C. going D. circle -----------------选择:B 6. The experiment involves _____ on some mice. A. to operating B. operating C. to be operating D. in operating -----------------选择:B 7. Indeed, there are many _____ advantages to a five-day week. A. obviate B. obviously C. obverse D. obvious -----------------选择:D 8. --Have you ever traveled abroad? -- Sure.   I ____ the language of English in the USA two years after I graduated from the university. A. used to learn B. was used to studying C. have studied D. didnt use to study -----------------选择:A 9. Andy has _______ for five years. Five years _________ a long time. A. come back home;is B. come back home;are C. been at home;is D. been at home;are -----------------选择:C 10. John?s parents are anxious to hear any information _____him. A. concerned B. concern to C. concerning D. concerning to -----------------选择:C 11. The dictionary defines a workaholic_____ “ a person obsessively addicted to work.” A. to B. as C. with D. like -----------------选择:B 12. The type of aid coming in makes no immediate impression _____ the horrific death rates A. in B. on C. to D. for -----------------选择:B 13. The


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