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Six Sigma Project S I X S I G M A D M A I C T Reduce “Dimensional” Rejections Related to Grinding Process on Precision Aerospace Fasteners Son D Tran, Director of QA, AFS - Industry Operations 1 Reduce Dimensional Variation - Define S I X S I G M A D M A I C T DMAIC REVIEW CONTROL DEFINE IMPROVE MEASURE A NALYZE Develop charter Map the process Understand the voice of the customer 2 Reduce Dimensional Variation - Define S I X S I G M A D M A I C T Project Overview : Business Case Internal rejections of Titanium products cause significant scrap, rework and customer returns. This level of rejection has affected our Key Performance Indicators (KPI), customer backlogs, and Quality and Delivery Performance ratings to major OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer). Reduction of Internal rejections will increase customer satisfaction and improve our KPI. Problem Statement Dimensional rejections related to the Grinding process(es) of Titanium Hi-Lok in Cells 131, 132 and 133 attributed to about 2% rejections of total pieces completed- to-store the last seven months (Sep 01- Feb 02). This attributed to


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