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第47卷 第4期 2015年 7月 四川 大 学 学 报 (工 程 科 学 版 ) JOURNAL OF SICHUAN UNIVERSITY(ENGINEERING SCIENCE EDITION) Vo1.47 No.4 July 2015 文章编号:1009-3087(2015)04-0038-07 DOI:10.15961/j.jsuese.2015.04.006 冻融环境下混凝土力学性能试验及损伤演化 田 威 ,谢永利 ,党发宁 (1.长安大学 建筑工程学院,陕西 西安 710061;2.长安大学 公路学院,陕西 西安 710064; 3.西安理工大学 岩土工程研究所,陕西 西安 710048) 摘 要:通过对饱水状态下的多组混凝土试样进行冻融循环试验,对经历不同冻融循环后的试样进行了单轴压缩 强度测定,从损伤和能量耗散的角度对试样进行了力学性能的分析;并运用 CT细观试验的方法初步对经历不同冻 融循环次数下的试样进行了细观结构分析。通过试验研究,得到了饱水状态下混凝土材料的冻融破坏特征及不同 冻融循环次数下试样质量、单轴应力 一应变全过程曲线、抗压强度、能量耗散和细观结构变化特征.,系统研究了冻 融循环下混凝土主要物理力学性能及损伤演化规律,为寒区重大工程冻融灾变预测提供了较可靠的基础依据。 关键词:混凝土;冻融循环;力学损伤劣化;能量耗散 中图分类号:TU501 文献标志码:A Experimental Study on the Mechanical Prope rty and Damage Evolution of Concrete Under Freeze.thaw Environment TIAN Wei ,XIE Yongli2,DANG Faning3 (1.School of Civil Eng.,Chang’an Uliv.,Xi’an 710061,China;2.School ofHighway,Chang’al Univ.,Xi’al 710064,China; 3.Inst.ofGeotechlical Eng..Xi’anUniv.ofTechno1.,Xi’aIl 710048,China) Abstract:In cold regions of west China,freeze-thaw environment is one of the main factors for leading to the damage of concrete.The freeze—thaw cycling experiment was conducted on concrete under water—saturated conditions,the uniaxial compression experiments were caried out on diferent freeze-thaw cycles,and the mechanical properties of concrete specimen was systematicaly anabrzed from the per— specfive of damage and energy dissipation.After freeze-thaw test,the meso—structures of the concrete specimens wero preliminary re searched by CT meso—test method.Then the failure forms of the specimens under water—saturated and the changes of the mass,the COrn— plete stress-strain curves,uniaxial compressive strengths,energy dissipation and the variation characteristics of meso—structures of the concrete specimens after diferent freeze—thaw cycles were obtained.The main physic—mechanical properties and fracture law of concrete weres explained under freeze-thaw environment.The results can provide the theory basis for major engineering freeze—thaw catas


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