名师 2012年4月28日雅思口语Part 2预测.pdf

名师 2012年4月28日雅思口语Part 2预测.pdf

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名师 2012年4月28日雅思口语Part 2预测

智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料 名师 2012年4月28日雅思口语Part 2预测 下面是对2012年4月28日雅思口语Part 2预测的内容,雅思名家发 布。雅思口语话题的变化虽然不是很大,但是每次考试的重点都有所不 同,所以大家在备考的时候,还是要关注一下预测的。一起来看看下面 的详细内容吧。 April, 2012 :Part 2 在四月有可能考查的卡片题,没有标注星号 的题表示近期在亚太区出现过但频率较低,时间紧的同学只需要准备画 星号的卡片题即可,并请勇于合并答案。 城市与建筑 ☆Describe a beautiful garden / park. ☆Describe an ideal house / flat. Describe a flat / house / room you lived in when you were a child. ☆ Describe a place you’ll travel to when you have a day off. Describe a place that is close to water. ☆Describe an interesting public place. / Describe an interesting place in your hometown ☆ Describe a workplace, such as a factory, an office or a public place.(除了这几种工作地点还可以说a store,比如a convenience store便利店, a bookstore,a pet shop宠物店 or even Walmart, a fast food restaurant like MacDonald’s, KFC or Pizza Hut, a school甚至a bank.最好是跟自己有点关系的地方,否则如果跟 你一点关系都没有你却知道工作细节就比较奇怪了。在校生可以加一句I had a summer job there./ I worked as a part-timer(兼职员工)there.已经工作的考生可以说I worked there as a fresh graduate.(刚毕业的大学生)或者I currently(目前) work there. 商店收银员叫cashier, 导购员是shop assistant, 餐馆服务生和兼职教师 的英语应该不用再教了,商场或者银行门口的迎宾员在英美非常少见, 但如果你说greeting attendant老外就能听懂) ☆ Describe a peaceful / quiet place. (Day 8 A: a library 或Day 8 C: a garden) ☆ Describe an old building. ☆ Describe a change / some changes in your hometown. ☆Describe a building in your school. Describe a modern building. Describe a museum or an art gallery.(Day 10: A) Describe a school you studied at before. (Day 7 p116) ☆ Describe a street/road and some buildings on this street. ☆Describe a foreign city you wish to visit.(Maybe London ?(Day 8D topic9) Or Paris? The Eiffel / ‘aifl/ Tower and the Louvre/‘lu:vr?/. Or New York? the Statue of Liberty, Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, the most expensive street on earth, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, go to Time Square to usher in the New Year, the list goes on and on…) ☆Describe a journey that was longer than expected. /Describe a long-distance journey. ☆Describe a leisure centre with facilities such as a swimming po


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