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第 48 卷第 11 期 2 0 1 5年 11 月 土 木 工 程 学 报 CHINA CIVIL ENGINEERING JOURNAL Vol. 48 Nov. No. 11 2015 基金项目: 浙江省建设科技科研和推广项目( 1102 ) 作者简介: 杨学林,博士,教授级高级工程师 收稿日期: 2014-08-11 复杂体型高层建筑结构稳定性验算 杨学林 祝文畏 ( 浙江省建筑设计研究院,浙江杭州 310006) 摘要: 高烈度区结构刚度一般由水平荷载控制,而在低烈度区则往往由整体稳定决定。结构侧向刚度和重力荷载 是影响结构整体稳定和 P-Δ 效应的主要因素,《高层建筑混凝土结构技术规程》( JGJ 3—2010 ) 采用刚重比作为控 制指标。基于结构楼层荷载沿竖向均匀分布,规范给出了刚重比的限值指标。对于体型复杂的高层建筑,不同建 筑之间质量沿高度分布差异很大,采用同样的控制参数,结构实际稳定性无法保证。根据实际体型和水平荷载分 布情况,引入楼层竖向荷载分布系数 β ,通过控制结构在风荷载和地震作用下的 P-Δ 效应,计算了结构合理刚重比, 对规范指标进行了修正; 同时根据实际荷载分布提出了任意水平荷载分布下的等效侧向刚度的计算公式。 关键词: 复杂体型高层建筑; 刚重比; 整体稳定; 临界荷载; 楼层竖向荷载分布系数; 任意水平荷载作用下等效侧向 刚度 中图分类号: TU973. 2 + 5 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1000-131X( 2015) 11-0016-11 Stability checking of the complicated-shape tall building structure Yang Xuelin Zhu Wenwei ( Zhejiang Architectural Design and Research Institute,Hangzhou 310006,China) Abstract: The stiffness of the structure in high seismic zones is controlled by the horizontal loads while it is often controlled by the overall stability in low seismic zones. The key factors,determining the overall structure stability and P- Δ effect,are lateral stiffness and gravity loads of the structure. In technical specification for concrete structures of tall building ( JGJ 3—2010) ,the rigidity-gravity ratio is chosen as the control parameter in the seismic design. Based on the assumption that the structural floor loads are uniformly distributed along the vertical direction,the design guideline gives the limit values for the rigidity-gravity ratio. However,for the high rise building with complex geometry,whose masses are not necessarily uniformly distributed along the vertical direction,the structural stability could not be guaranteed if the same limit values for the rigidity-gravity ratios are applied. To this end,the vertical floor load distribution factor β is firstly introduced based on the geometry of the structure and distribution of the horizontal loads acting on the structure; by controlling the P- Δ effect of the structure under wind and e


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