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1.It’s a good idea to check your vocabulary notebook every day. 每天检查你的词汇本是一个好方法。 2.What do you think is the best advice for learning English? 你认为学外语最好的建议是什么? 3.The best way to learn vocabulary is to remember eight or ten words a day. 学习词汇最好的方法就是每天记忆8至10个单词。 4.It’s sometimes hard to understand American and British accents. 有时很难理解美式和英式英语的口音。 5.It’s difficult to understand TV programmes in English. 用英语广播的电视节目很难理解。 6.How can I practice speaking English? 我怎样才能练习英语口音呢? 1.原文再现:?Try not to translate every word. 努力不要翻译每一个单词。 (Unit 1, P2) try to do sth.和try doing sth.意义不同,try to do sth.表示努力或试图完成某个动作或达到某种目的,含无法完成之意,意为“努力(试图)做某事”。try doing sth.表示试验某种做法是否行得通,或看其效果如何,意为“试着做某事”。如: He tried turning his key in the lock and the door was opened. 他试着在锁里转了下钥匙,门被打开了。 ? 2. 原文再现:I’m going to give you some advice. (Unit 1, P2)??advice 表示“建议,忠告”,是不可数名词。如:Take my advice, please. Don’t go with him.请接受我的建议,别跟他去。要表示“一条建议”,应用a piece of advice;“一句忠告”为a word of advice。 follow/take one’s advice“采纳某人的建议”,如: 注意advice的动词是advise,后可接动词-ing形式、名词、代词,也可接宾语从句。如: Nemo advised staying in the fish bowl. 尼莫建议呆在鱼缸里。 3. 原文再现:And you should write down your mistakes in your notebook. (Unit 1, P2)并且你应该在笔记本里写下你的错误。 ???? write down意为“写下来,记下来”。如: ???? Please write down the telephone number. 请把电话号码记下来吧。也可以说成:Please write the phone number down. ???? 但如果宾语是代词,则要放在write 和down中间。如:Please write it down. 把它写下来。 4. 原文再现:I think everyone should have a pen friend and write email messages to each other. (Unit 1, P2)我认为每个人都应该有一个笔友并互相发电子邮件。 1) message表示“消息,信息”,是可数名词。如: ???? Mary isn’t here. Can I take a message for you? 玛丽不在这儿,要我给你捎个话吗? ???? 我们以前学过的information和message同义,但information为不可数名词。如: ???? Now we can get much information on the Internet.现在我们能从网上获得很多的信息。 ???? 2) each other 意为互相,是固定搭配,在句子中常作宾语,如: ???? We often helped each other last year. 去年我们经常互相帮助。 ???? each other还有所有格形式:each other’s,可以修饰名词。如: ???? We know each other’s habits very well.我们非常了解彼此的习惯。 5. 原文再现: What else ? (Unit 1, P2) else意为“别的”,常修饰不定代词、疑问代词或疑问副词,位于


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