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妙文翻译公司翻译样稿 外语导游解说词中英对照 尊敬的来宾,您好! Dear guests, 欢迎参观大连开发区规划展览馆。本馆位于大连开发区文化中心 B区,建筑面积 12600平方米, 展区面积8800平方米, 共2层, 14个展区。接待台后面的是能与参观者互动的大屏幕,我们把它 叫做“互动墙”。当您从这里经过的时候,您的身影就会在这个大屏幕上显示出来。由此您将与 我们的展馆融为一体,也将与大连开发区融为一体。如果您感兴趣可以试一下。请您转身到五 块‘岩石’状的展品旁看看。 Welcome to the Planning Exhibition Hall in Dalian Development Zone. The hall is located in Section B of the Cultural Center of Dalian Development Zone and covers a floor area of 12,600m2, including an exhibition area of 8,800m2. There are two floors and fourteen exhibition sections in all. Behind the reception desk is a big screen for interaction with visitors, called the “Interaction Wall”. When you are walking past here, your figure will be displayed on the big screen. In this way, you get integrated with our exhibition hall, and also with Dalian Development Zone. If interested, you may have a try. Next, please turn around to the five “Rock” exhibits. 您现在看到的五块‘岩石’状的展品,象征着海岸礁石,‘岩石’上的“世界”、“亚洲”、“中国”、“东 北”、和“大连开发区”的图案阐释了大连开发区的区位,也寓意了大连开发区在全球化、中国崛 起和东北振兴中所扮演的角色。这五块岩石中有两块上面嵌有触摸屏,这是展馆的多媒体自助 导览系统,向您介绍展馆内的各个展区和设施的分布,可以对整个展馆进行一次预览。 The five “Rock” exhibits you are watching now represent coastal reefs. The patterns of the “World”, “Asia”, “China”, “Northeast China” and “Dalian Development Zone” on the “Rocks” show the geographic location of Dalian Development Zone. They also imply the role of Dalian Development Zone in the globalization, rise of China and revitalization of Northeast China. Of the five rocks, two are embedded with touch screens on top, which serve as self-help multimedia guide system for the exhibition hall. With the guide system, you may get to know the distribution of all exhibition sections and facilities in the hall and enjoy a preview of the hall as a whole. (本馆属于目前国内最先进的互动多媒体式的新型展览馆,在展示手法上彻底改变了传统展馆以 展板为主的展览模式,展览内容全部采用电子显示设备展示。全馆采用计算机及服务器,投影 机,各类触摸屏,显示器共 300余台,其他进口影音及中央控制设备 4000余件,包括美国、丹 麦、比利时等名牌灯光及控制设备 10000余件,展馆设备有三大特点,即中央控制、互动、易 于更新。 (The hall is a new-type exhibition hall adoptin


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