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11 Tips On How To Hold Your Breath Longer 如何延长闭气时间的11个小窍门 by Wolfgang(翻译:飞天猪古力,Sendoh) ?So ?finally ?you ?signed ?up ?for ?a ?course ?and ?you ?did ?not ?regret ?it, ?depths ?and ?times ?that ?previously ?seemed ?unattainable ?are ?now ?to ?be ?a ?new ?platform ?from ?where ?you ?lust ?to ?go ?deeper ?and ?stay ?under ?longer. ?But ?soon ?you ?realize ?that ?it ?is ?not ?so ?easy ?to ?repeat ?what ?you ?did ?during ?the ?course. ?Why? ? 当你终于参加完一门课程,并且你不遗憾,因为深度和时间在以前似乎高不可攀, 而现在则成为你希望可以去更深呆更久的新 “平台”。但很快你就会意识到,它 也不是像你在课程中所重复的那么容易。为什么呢? ?Freedivinginstructor ?Wolfgang ?Dafert ?(Phillipines) ?gives ?advice ?on ?what ?to ?do ?on ?your ?own ?after ?the ?course. ? 自由潜水导师:沃尔夫冈·Dafert(菲律宾)在课程结束后你自己该怎么做的建议。 Sometimes students of mine ask me why they achieve such good results during their course, but have a hard time to do the same at home. 我的学生经常问我为什么他们在参加课程的时候总能达到一个很好的结果,但是 在家中却很难达到。 Below a list of 11 Tips On How To Hold Your Breath Longer based on what i teach in my beginner freediving course. See every point as a link in a chain. It is only strong when all single links work perfect. 这里是我的自由潜水初级课程中教授的如何延长你的闭气时间的11个小窍门。每 一个窍门都是一次闭气过程中的重要环节,只有全部做到了才能有明显的效果, 缺一不可。 1. Be prepared 前期准备 Dont eat at least 2 hours before any water activity. Some peoples body digest food slower and so they maybe even need a longer break. Avoid caffeine or any other substance that activates your nervous system. Keep in mind that sometimes an expectation of a time you wanna achieve can let you stumble on the way there. Instead a good goal can be:”I wanna enjoy a nice breath hold training, follow all the 11 points and push myself in my last try. I dont wanna think of the final time now.”Prepared also means to have the perfect wetsuit for the pool temperature you train in. 在开展任何水上活动前 2个小时内不要吃东西。有些消化食物比较缓慢的人,他 们则需要更长的休


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