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编 号: 审定成绩: 重庆邮电大学 毕业设计(论文) 设计(论文)题目: 算法可视化演示软件开发 学 院 名 称 : 计算机科学与技术 学 生 姓 名 : 专 业 : 班 级 : 学 号 : 指 导 教 师 : 答辩组 负责人 : 填表时间:201年 6 月 重庆邮电大学教务处制 摘 要 【关键词】 排序算法 ABSTRACT Research on algorithm visualization is not only a powerful tool for program performance behavior, but also a new algorithm for direction in recent decades. Runing a visualization algorithm program is not easy to understood data structures, algorithms, features. program functions can be dynamically displayed graphically on the computer screen, the user can tanalyze algorithms and data structures detail viewing on the screen, using a variety of views show all running side. With the vigorous development of visualization technology, visualization technology in various fields has been widely used. Currently, many researchers have confirmed the algorithm visualization in the data structures role and status of teaching, and began teaching in the algorithm visualization research. Data structures and algorithms are the core of teaching computer courses, teaching difficulty lies in their abstract and dynamic. Application Visualization Teaching, abstract knowledge can become concrete, the implementation process is more intuitive and easier to be understood. The content of this graduation project is to design and implement a small visual presentation system.The system is mainly used javax.swing graphical interface, combined with the Java programming language algorithms and data structures learned algorithm ideas to visualize the demonstration system . Demo algorithms including insertion sort, bubble sort, selection sort three sorting algorithms sorting process and a binary search tree insertion, deletion, and find the process by multiple series tested: The visualization system can correct, precise reflect the algorithm implementation process. 【Key words


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