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Day 1 动作描写 1. People are applauding the players. 2. The lawns are being watered. 3. The man is putting on his glasses. 4. She is carrying two buckets. 5. She is digging in the ground. 6. They are moving in opposite directions. 7. The men are moving lawns. 8. He is playing a musical instrument on stage. 9. The road is being paved. 10. The woman is paying for an item. 11. The pharmacist is handing some medicine to the patient. 12. Trees are being planted. 13. They’re playing on a swing in the playground. 14. A woman is pointing at something on a drawing. 15. A man is taking a picture. 16. A waiter is pouring water into cups. 17. He is putting on a laboratory coat. 18. They are taking off their uniforms. 19. The man is reaching for his wallet. 20. The ladder is being repaired. 21. He is working on the roof. 22. She is handing the scheduler to her friend. 23. A woman is shopping around in the supermarket. 24. They are strolling arm in arm. 25. A microscope has been placed symmetrically. 26. The horse is walking along the edge of the water. Day 1 动作描写 1. 人们正在为演奏者鼓掌。 2. 草地正在被浇水。 3. 这个男人正在戴眼镜。 4. 她提着两个桶。 5. 她正在挖地。 6. 他们正在向相反的方向走。 7. 男人们正在割草。 8. 他正在台上演奏乐器。 9. 道路正在被铺。 10. 这个女人正在给商品付款。 11. 药剂师正在给患者药。 12. 树木正在被栽种。 13. 他们正在操场上荡秋千。 14. 一个女人正在指着画上的什么东西。 15. 一个男人正在照相。 16. 一个服务生正在往杯子里倒水。 17. 他正在穿实验室服。 18. 他们正在脱他们的制服。 19. 这个男人正在掏钱包。 20. 梯子正在被修理。 21. 他正在屋顶上干活。 22. 她正在把日程安排给她的朋友。 23. 一个女人正在超市买东西。 24. 他们正在挽着臂散步。 25. 一个显微镜被整齐地放置着。 26. 这匹马正在沿着水边走。 Day 2 状态描写 1 1. They are seated across from each other. 2. The man is standing next to the arm chair. 3. The place is crowded with spectators. 4. The papers have been stacked up next to the copier. 5. The bed needs to be made. 6. The table is placed between the sofa and the lamp. 7. There is a flower vase next to the stairway. 8. The women have their legs crossed. 9. They are seated in a circle. 10. The cars are all parked in a line. 11. The boxes are lined up i


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