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初中英语教案 学 校 柳埠一中 班 级 Class_1、2_ Grade_8__ 日 期 2010年3月日 授课 教师 杜延明 课 题 Unit Unit 10 It’s a nice day, isn’t it? A2 复备区域 备课标与教材 知识点Wordsphrases: Sandy alone elevator cross bookstore low slow fan note come along get along baby at least traffic least (句式与语法(sentences and grammar ): It is very cold today, isn’t it? DengYaping is short,isn’t she? Liu Xiang runs fast,doesn’he? LiYundi was born in 1982,wasn’t he? There isn’t anybody at home, is there? She had to go to France every spring, didn’t she? There was little water in the cup, was there? She needs to have it repaired, doesn’t she? You had better go alone, hadn’t you? None of us knew the way, did we? We hadn’t much time, had we? We could hardly hear what she said, could we? We seldom see them now, do we? One can’t be too careful, can one? Be careful when you cross the road, won’t you? 重点、难点 分析知识点与知识系统的关系 分析确立重难点的依据 备学情 学生已具备的知识与技能 学生的学习兴趣 学生的差异性 备教学目标 知识与技能目标 要求学生掌握以下 1-30号学生能听懂他们并能脱离课本流利的,31-45能听懂并准确的,4-5号学生能基本听懂并看着。 过程与方法目标 模仿 理解 运用 情感态度目标 创新支点 本单元的重点与难点反意疑问句(Tag Question)也叫附加疑问句,。新教材的淡化语法教学并不是不教语法, 而是要变以往的语法传授为具体语言环境下的体验归纳, 使学生在具体的语言环境下反复操练并学会巩固应用。 备教学方法与媒体 W 教学流程 Teaching Procedures I.语音测试(20分) A.根据所给音标在横线上写出单词。 [ ?mbrel? ] ______[ nu:n ] _________[ s?ndi]________.[g?dbai ] _________ [ k?st ] ________[ bukst?: ] ________ [ kr?s ] ______[ eliveit? ] ________ [ l?u ] ________ [ sl?u ] ________ [ n?ut ] ______ [ beibi ] ______ [ li:st ] . ______ [ h?l?di, h?lidei ] ________ [ k??ful ] ________[ tr?fik ] ________. --方法:男女生PK B.根据句意和所给音标在横线上写出单词。 16.---Oh, it’s raining, I forgot my _________.? [ ?mbrel? ] 17. The price of the computer is __________and I can buy it. [ l?u ] 18 .When you go to school, you should say “_______” to your parents. .[g?dbai ] 19. If the traffic light is green, you can _______the road. [ kr?s ] 20.---Oh, the coat is very beautiful, how much does it ______?[ k?st ] ---


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