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 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 22 Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic 1 What a nice coat! Section A Section A needs 1 period. Section A需用1课时。 The main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a和3。 Ⅰ. Aims and demands目标要求 1. Learn some new words and phrases: cotton, silk, so … that, scarf, jeans, overcoat, the structure of “so …that …” : I liked it so much that my father bought it for me. My old coats are so short that I want to buy some new ones. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 服装卡片录音机 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 5分钟) 复习服装词汇,导入1a。 1. (用卡片复习以前学过的服装词汇。) T: Boys and girls, today we will about clothes. I think it is useful for you. You must be interested in it. Look my as I take them out. Are you ready? Ss: Yes. (教师出示画有服装的卡片,让学生一起大声说出服装名称,复习已学过的服装名称。) coat pants shirt raincoat dress sweater jacket shorts T-shirt shoes T: Good! You so many words about clothes. Are you 第二步 呈现(时间: 15分钟) 学习生词,呈现本课活动1a。 1. (学习生词) T: I English? Ss: Yes. (教师拿出已准备好的卡片展示给学生,并教新词。卡片正面是服装图样,反面为英语单词,出示一张牛仔裤的图片,正面对着学生。) T: Look what is it? (拿出另一张卡片,比如围巾,展示给学生。) (学生会用汉语回答:围巾。老师出示反面。) T: Yes, it’s a scarf. (板书单词并领读。) (用同样方式,学习并掌握生词:overcoat, , sportswear。) (板书) jeans n.牛仔裤 scarf n.围巾,领巾 overcoat n.长大衣 .女用皮包,手提包 .帽子 sock n.短袜 T: Now, I’ll give you several minutes to remember these new words. OK? Ss: OK! (几分钟后,老师用手势叫学生停止,把学生分成四组。) T: Time is up. Let’s . Say the names of these clothes when I show them. I’ll see which group is the quickest and best. Group A, go. (在这组活动结束后,可适当对获奖者进行表扬,同时鼓励落后者,希望他们下次表现更好。) T: OK, stop ’t lose one. (板书画线部分,掌握silk和cotton。) silk 丝;丝制的 cotton n.adj.棉布,棉花;棉制的 T: Now, please use the words “silk” and “cotton” to describe your deskmate’s clothes. Work in pairs to practice the expressions. S1: Li Ling is wearing a scarf. It’s a silk one. S2: Du Wei is wearing a jacket. It’s a cotton one. … 2. (呈现1a活动。) (方案一) (听1a录音,设置听力任


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