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 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 224 The Allocation for Grade 2B weekDateUnitItemContent1213-2171Let’s act.Draw the…on the…Let’s talkWhat do you seehear?Let’s learnN n-nose O o-orange , chick, duck, cow, sheep, pig2220-224Let’s playI hear…Let’s enjoyStoryReviewUnit 13227-332Let’s act Come here, ×××. Go there, ×××. Come back.Let’s talk Look at the… It’s …and…Let’s learnP p-pencil Q q-quilt horse, bear, elephant, tiger, panda, monkey436-310Let’s playWho’s my friend?Let’s enjoySongReviewUnit 25313-3173Let’s act. Close…, please. Open…, please. Clean…, please.Let’s talk. This is my room. There is are… in my room.Let’s learn.R r- rubber S s-sweet window, room, sofa, table, lamp6320-324Let’s play.Tell a storyLet’s enjoy.RhymeReview.Unit 37327-3214Let’s act.Don’t…Let’s talk. What can you Spotty do? I can… Spotty can…Let’s learn. T t-tree U u-umbrella walk, skip, swing, climb, fly, ride843-47Let’s play.Spotty can…Let’s enjoy.RhymeReview.Unit 49410-414复习期中考查Mid-review 1Mid-review 2Mid-review 310417-421Mid-review 4 Mid-exam11424-4285Let’s act.Turn on…off Wash…Let’s talk. I wash…with… Let’s learn.V v-van W w-wind water, dirty, wash, towel, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste1251-58劳动节休息1358-512Let’s play.A miming gameLet’s enjoy.SongReview.Unit 514515-5196Let’s act. Bring me… Give it to…Let’s talk. I’m thirsty. I want…Let’s learn.X x-ray bowl, plate, glass, fork, knife, spoon, chopsticks15522-526Let’s play.What do you want?Let’s enjoy.StoryReview.Unit 616529-627Let’s actLet’s…Let’s talkSummer is… The sun is…Let’s learnY y- yellow summer, sun, cloud, hot, beach, shell, sand1765-69Let’s play.…isare hotcold. Let’s …Let’s enjoy.RhymeReview.Unit 718612-6168Let’s act. xxx, get up! Have lunch. xxx, go t


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