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毕 业 设 计(论 文) 题 目 浅谈公益广告对精神文明建设的 摘 要 当社会经济发展到一定阶段,必然要求有与之相适应的社会文明形态。随着改革开放以来我国的政治、经济得到迅速发展;人民群众在物质需求不断增长的同时,对精神文化也有了更高的要求。但较我国经济发展速度来看,精神文明建设方面还略显吃力,我国精神文明的发展已成了人们日益重视的问题之一。在精神文明建设过程中,公益广告作为广告的一种形式,对于弘扬我国优良传统、倡导现代文明、改变落后观念等方面都能起到积极作用。公益广告用它那优美的画面、动听的音乐、文明的语言、规范的文字来吸引大众,传递公益信息,并引导我们遵守相关法律法规。公益广告已经成为人们在现代生活中关系十分密切的重要精神文化品类。有人说二十一世纪是信息的时代,也是读图时代。公益广告刚好在形式上也利用了这个契机,并因势利导,借用大众文化滥觞下对现代审美情趣的迎合得到迅速发展。一个好的公益广告会给人一种亲切,真诚,关爱积极向上,寓庄于谐的感觉,它可以让大众过目不忘,难以释怀。在精神文明建设过程中,公益广告犹如一阵清风,摒弃功利色彩,唤醒道德良知,带给人们以启迪与思考,同时也赋予了广告新的涵义。在加强精神文明建设的新条件下,进一步回顾我国公益广告十几年来的发展历史,总结公益广告对精神文明建设的效应对加速我国精神文明建设将是十分有一意义的。本文简要的回顾了我国公益广告的历史,并简要提出了对于公益广告未来发展的一些意见,结合我国公益广告的发展史和精神文明的建设的过程着重分析了公益广告对我国精神文明建设的影响。 关键词:改革开放,公益广告,精神文明。 Abstract When social economy develops to a certain stage, inevitable requirement has to adapt to the social civilization form.With the opening and reform since our country politics, economy gets developing quickly; the masses of the people in the material needs of the growing at the same time, the mental culture also had a higher request. But the rate of progress of our country economy, construction of spiritual civilization is also a little sweaty, spiritual civilization of our country development has become increasingly important issue.In the process of construction of spiritual civilization, public service advertising as a form of advertising, to carry forward Chinas fine tradition, advocating modern civilization, change the backward idea, can play a positive role. Public service advertising with its beautiful picture, beautiful music, civilized language, standard text to engage the public, transmission of public service information, and guide us to abide by the relevant laws and regulations.Public welfare advertisement has already become people in modern life is closely related to the significant cultural category. Someone says twenty-first Century is the information age, but also interpret the images era.Public service ads just in the form also made use of this opportunity, an


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