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2013-12月太奇教育A3大作文解析及相关范文 1审题:先认真审题,这是一篇图表作文,文章要包含如下的一些信息:(1)要有对图表的描述(2)要分析对社会的影响和后果(3)要有自己相关的一些认识和评论 2定位和结构:尽量用三段论段落结构,使作文错落有致。同时从掌握的动态模版里提取相关信息。 3注意:(1)段落结构 (2)字数控制在180左右左右 (3)第一段包含图表描写、自我论点;第二段包含表示顺序的逻辑关系词、至少俩个原因、相关2-3个论证;第三段包含总结、措施(等同于your comment) (4)第二段原因句或者观点句利用万能谓语动词;第二段的例证句用25个举例类的万能句式挑选2-3个;第三段要利用上课所讲的万能措施句 第一段的outline: S1/S2/S3三句话表述相关的数据+[s3从数字过渡到文字万能过渡句—酌情可以省略]+s4推导我的论点 In the year of 2000, there are no more than 1.07million graduates in china. Seven years later, the number increased to more than 4.95 million on the average and the trend continues in the following years. By the year of 2013, there is approximately 6.99 million. The bar chart reveals an acute phenomenon that the numerous graduates have a far-reaching influence on our society and economy. 第二段的outline: S1段首句(承上启下)+S2=关联词一+ 原因/结果 一 + S3举例一 S4=关联词二+ 原因/结果 二 + S5举例二 S6=关联词三+ 原因/结果 三 Some driving and apparent factors are closely interrelated with the above-mentioned phenomenon. Firstly, it contributes to the result that the increasing number of graduates enhances and paves the way of the sustainable development. Based on an Internet survey, 60 percent of people assert that it is beneficial and convenient to the construction of our society. Secondly, it leads to an outcome that large scale of graduates generates intense competition and aggravates acute problem for employment rate. Tens of thousands of individuals encountered the trend that abundant graduates have effect on employment and intensified competition. 第三段的outline: s1 段首句(承上启下)+s2、3 建议一、二(态度、行为)+ s4 展望未来 After our investigation and discussion, we get the conclusion that we should make use of and allocate these human resources effectively. It is high that the government attached great value and importance to the emergence of it. Furthermore, relevant authorities should impose some restriction on this acute phenomenon with proper guidance and support. Wit


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