牛津初中英语7b教 第一单元.docx

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牛津初中英语7b教 第一单元

牛津初中英语7B教案—Unit 1 本单元是有关“梦想之家”这一主题内容。你有自己梦想的家吗?会使用英语来描述一些国家和首都、房屋和家居设施的名称吗?本单元介绍了具有实用功能的描述“梦想之家”的用语,并介绍了一些家中使用物的词汇,还介绍了基数词、序数词和介词。本单元通过问卷调查了解不同国家人的居住情况,启发同学们回想已学单词与新学词汇写一篇有关自己“梦想之家”的文章。(一)???? 教学目标:1.? 基础知识:单词:dream, palace, capital, balcony, cushion, beach, sea, bunk, town, wooden, over, climb, ladder, quiet, rain, while, sitting room, street, share, friendly, above, dining room, grow, most, lie, cupboard, bookshelf, shower, lamp, wardrobe, sink, bath, basin, in front of, opposite, chalk, air conditioner, below, printer, shelf, top, tidy, sixteen, nineteen, seventy, ninety, thousand, million, arrive, seventh, sixth, come, exam, second, third, fourth, fifth, ninth, eleventh, twelfth, twentieth, sound, bathroom, mirror, afraid, still, message, at least, ground floor, swimming pool, football pitch语法:序数词和基数词任务:问卷调查不同国家人的居住情况并写一篇自己的梦想之家的短文。2.? 基本技能:通过听、说、读、写掌握本单元的对话、短文和相关词汇,并运用新词汇来谈论各自不同的居住情况。3.? 情感态度:激发学生对本单元话题的兴趣,在了解本单元学习的内容要点后,指导学生有效地学习和掌握国家、首都和家居的词汇;让学生在合作中体会集体智慧的力量,取长补短,共同进步;了解不同国家的居住条件和文化差异的时候,进行爱国主义教育,团结各国朋友。4.? 学习策略:综合应用和自主合作学习;通过图片和单词的配对,知道单词的意思以及国家和首都的配对;通过对词汇的归类,知道不同房间的家具设施;利用上下文语境及阅读技巧复习巩固所学知识。5.? 文化意识:充分掌握有关国家和首都,了解不同国家的居住条件和文化差异。(二)???? 重点概览重点词汇:dream, capital, beach, sea, town, wooden, over, climb, ladder, quiet, rain, while, sitting room, street, share, friendly, above, dining room, grow, most, lie, bookshelf, shower, lamp, bath, in front of, chalk, below, printer, shelf, top, tidy, sixteen, seventeen, nineteen, seventy, ninety, thousand, million, arrive, seventh, sixth, come, exam, second, third, fourth, fifth, ninth, eleventh, twelfth, twentieth, sound, bathroom, afraid, still, message, at least, ground floor, swimming pool重点句型:The capital of Japan is Tokyo. Your home is different from mine. I like your garden behind the kitchen. I share a room with my cousin. May I speak to…., please? Who’s calling, please? My phone number is …… Please ask him to call me. I’ll ask him to call you back.语法:序数词和基数词Unit1 Dream homesWelcome to the unitTeaching aims


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