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牛津小学英语3B第七单元教案 3B第七单元第一课时 一 教学内容 牛津小学英语 3B第七单元第一课时 二 教学目标 1 能听懂,会说日常交际用语 I can’t find…Where’s it/she/he?作出相应的回答:It’s… 2 能听懂,会说表示居室的单词a kitchen, a bedroom, a dinning-room, 以及相应的短语in the kitchen, in the bedroom, in the dinning-room. 三 教学重点 1 能听懂,会说日常交际用语 I can’t find…Where’s it/she/he?作出相应的回答:It’s … 2 能听懂,会说表示居室的单词a kitchen, a bedroom, a dining-room, 以及相应的短语in the kitchen, in the bedroom, in the dining-room 四 教学难点 能听懂,会说日常交际用语 I can’t find…Where’s it/she/he?作出相应的回答:It’s/she’s/he’s… 五 课前准备 教具准备; 1 投影仪及图片a kitchen, a bedroom, a dining-room 2 旅游小包和本课C部分的图片 3 磁带及录音机 六 教学过程 Step1 Revision 1 课前常规训练: 说韵律儿歌3B “My bed is very cute”(P22) 2 师生自由谈话: a 热身运动(师生问好,谈论天气,心情,月份等) ---Good morning/afternoon. How are you? --- What day is today? Is it sunny day? Do you like sunshine? b 日常问答 指着学生的文具用品问 T: Excuse me . S: Yes? T: What’s this on/in the pencil box? S: It’s a ruler. T: Is this your ruler? S: Yes,it is. T: How nice! S: Thank you. Step2 Presentation and practice a 打出投影(红梅公园), 教师事先把旅游小包放在靠墙角的椅子上 T: Hello,S1. S: Hello,Miss Gu. T: Shall we go to Hongmei Park? S: Great! But how? T: By bus. S: Ok,let’s go. T: Wait! My bag! I can’t find my bag? Oh,where’s my bag?(教师焦急地问) S: It’s on the chair.(学生指着墙边椅子上的包)Here you are. T: Thank you. *where’s --- Where’s my bag? (看老师嘴形,跟老师发音,开火车跟读) *---Where’s the book/pencil/…?(教师示范造句,学生造句) S: Where’s the book? T: It’s on /in the desk? Work in pairs and act b (教师把包藏在课桌里) T: Excuse me,S1. I can’t find my bag. Where’s my bag? S: It’s in the desk. * find---can’t---I can’t find…(看老师嘴形,跟老师发音,开火车跟读) (教师把书放在椅子上) T: I can’t find my book. Where’s the book? S: It’s on the chair. c 打出投影( C Look and say) T: Excuse me. S: Yes? T: I can’t find my pencil box. Where’s my pencil box? S: It’s on the desk. T: I see. Thanks. (师生做示范,同桌练习,表演) d Short rest: sing a song T:I have found my bag .Let’s go to Hongmei park now. S: Great! Let’s go. 学生起立表演唱“Ride in my car” T: How happy!But I am tired now.Let’s go to my home and have a rest. d 打出


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