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牛津小学英语5A》第一单元 第一教时 教学目标: 1.?????? 复习巩固四年级所学知识。 2.?????? 能掌握词汇first, second, third... building, day, all, happy, glad, again 3. 能正确运用对话中的日常交际用语。 4. 初步理解和掌握课文第一段: It is the first day of the new term. All the students are back at school. They are happy to see each other again. 教具准备:l 录音机和磁带l 课文挂图l 歌曲“Two jackets” 教学过程: 1.Listen and sing a song “Two jackets” 2.Free talk A. Revision. B. Greetings. Welcome back to school. Nice to meet you. (According to the real situation, the students practise ) Then moving to the sentence Glad to see you. (students practise) 2.Presentation and practice T: What day is it today? S: It’s Monday. T: What’s the date today? It’s September 1st.It’s the first day of the new term. (new words: first, day, term) (amplify the structure of “the first ... of the…” ) I’m happy. Today all the students are back at school. Glad to see you. We are happy to see each other again. (new words: all, back, back at school, glad, again, each other) (Read and practice them, eg: read, make phrases, etc.) (According to the situation, let the students understand the meaning of the key sentences.) 3.Look at the picture of the text and answer the questions. (making clear the background) 4.A. Read and say (Paragraph 1) 1) Listen to the tape 2) Read after the tape 3) Read by together 5.Look at Picture 2 , review “There is...” T: There is a new building in the picture. (new word: building) T: How many floors are there in this building? S: Four. (new word: floor) Learn the name of “the ground floor/the first floor/ the second floor...” T: What’s the name of the rooms in this building? We will learn them next class. 6.Homework 1) Talk about our school 2) Copy the new words 3) Some translations 第二教时 教学目标: 1.?????? 复习四年级相关知识 a computer room, a music room, a tape recorder, a desk, a chair等。 2.?????? 能掌握词汇any, a reading room, sure, a sports hall, garden, toilet, a table tennis room等。 3.?????? 能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能初步朗读对话。 4.?????? 能运用日常用语Im not sure. Lets go and see. 等。 5. 初步掌握句


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