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(二)表示强调意义 189.人总是要死的,但死的意义有所不同。 All men must die, but death can vary in its significance. 190.我不是不懂,是不想说。 It’s not that I don’t understand, but that I don’t want to say anything. (三)表示存在 191.这座村庄背后是一座大山,前边是一条小河。 Behind the village stands a big mountain; and in front of it flows a small river. 192.一千五百米跑下来,他满身都是汗。 After a thousand-and-five-hundred-meter run, he was sweating all over. (四)其它 193. 这首优美的歌曲是一名残疾人谱写的。 This graceful song is composed by a handicapped man. 194. 是值钱的,他都抢着要。 Whenever there is something valuable, he is always the first to get it. 无主语句的翻译 存现句的翻译 兼语句的翻译 “是”字句的翻译 “把”字句的翻译 被动句的翻译 否定句的翻译 长句的翻译 句子翻译技巧初探 一 “把”字句的类型 1.总经理把秘书批评了。 2.小王把书捆一捆。 3.他把自己关在房间里听音乐。 4.这件事把他急坏了。 5.他把对手累得浑身是汗。 6.房间里的壁炉把他热得坐立不安。 二 “把”字句的译法 (一)处置式“把”字句译法 (二)使役式“把”字句译法 (三)无主语“把”字句的译法 普通句式处置式“把”字句 195. 上帝派了两个神仙,把两座山背走了。(《愚公移山》) God sent down two angels, who carried the two mountains away on their backs. 196. 我们一定要把黄河治好。 We must bring the Yellow River under control. 含有兼语和连动式的处置式“把”字句 197.他把他的书都借给了同学。 He has lent all his books to his classmates. 198.王奶奶总叫人把新出版的小说念给她听。 Granny Wang used to have newly-published novels read to her. 可译成被动式的处置式“把”字句 199.他所做的一切把我感动得留下了眼泪。 I was moved to tears by what he had done. 200.把我们的家乡建设成为一个现代化大都市。 Our hometown is going to be built into a modern metropolitan downtown. 含有“作为”类动词的处置式“把”字句 201.我们错把他当成敌人了。 We mistook him for the enemy. 202.你怎么能不把人当人看? How couldn’t you treat a man as a man? 使役式“把”字句译法 203. 隆隆的雷声把孩子们吓坏了。 The thundering made the children frightened to death. The children were frightened to death by the thundering. 无主语“把”字句的译法 204.把他饿得说话的力气都没有了。 He was so hungry that he was too weak to speak.(增加主语) 205.把老奶奶高兴得手舞足蹈起来了。 It makes even Granny so happy that she dances with joy.(加it作主语) 206.把鞭子递给我。 Hand me the whip.(译成祈使句) 无主语句的翻译 存现句的翻译 兼语句的翻译 “是”字句的翻译 “把”字句的翻译 被动句的翻译 否定句的翻译 长句的翻译 句子翻译技巧初探 被动句的翻译 这件事已做了。(It was done.) 这件事做得好。(It was well done.) 这件事做得不好。(It was poorly done.) 207.火在一个小时之后被扑灭。 The fire was put out an hour later. 208.这家工厂在地震中被严重破坏


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