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Lamb Feedlot Nutrition 舍饲育肥羔羊的营养 by T.L. Stanton and S.B. LeValley Recommended nutrient levels for 70-pound finishing lambs are listed in Table 1. These protein levels (12 percent to 14 percent) are higher than those recommended by the National Research Council (11 percent CP) based on recent research showing lamb performance response. 70磅育肥羔羊的推荐营养水平见表1.,其蛋白水平(12-14%)要高于国家科学研究委员会(NRC)推荐值(11%粗蛋白),这是基于近年来对羔羊生产水平的研究而提出的。 Nutrient Levels营养水平 Table 1. Recommended nutrient levels for 70-pound finishing lambs (dry-matter basis). 表1 70磅育肥羊推荐营养水平(干物质基础) % Crude protein 粗蛋白 Sodium 钠 Calcium 钙 Phosphorus 磷 Magnesium 镁 Potassium 钾 Sulfur硫 12-14 0.04-0.1 0.21-0.52 0.16-0.37 0.04-0.08 0.5 0.14-0.16 One of the more critical areas to watch is the calcium to phosphorus ratio. This ratio should be kept at approximately 2 or 2.5 to 1 in order to prevent urinary calculi. The addition of ammonium chloride (.25 ounces/head/day) to the ration has been recommended to prevent urinary calculi; however, ammonium chloride has been implicated in causing throat irritation that leads to excessive coughing and possibly to increased incidence of prolapses. 值得关注的重要领域之一是钙磷比例,这个比例必须保持在2:1~2.5:1之间,以预防尿结石。以前推荐日粮中添加氯化铵(0,25盎司/头/只),然而,氯化铵被证明可刺激咽喉而导致强烈咳嗽,也可能增加脱肛的发病率。 Urea and dust may have a similar implication in the prolapse problem. Urea should not provide more than 15 percent to 25 percent of the total crude protein in fattening rations. 尿素和粉尘具有相似的引发脱肛的问题。在育肥羊料中,尿素所提供的蛋白不得超过总蛋白量的15-25% Trace Minerals :矿物质 Sheep are sensitive to trace mineral imbalances. Since copper-molybdenum-sulfur levels interact with each other, check these trace minerals to prevent imbalances and reduced performance (Table 2). Supplements that use poultry manure contain high copper levels, so special attention must be paid to trace mineral levels when these products are fed. Selenium also is of concern, especially in areas that have a high incidence of white muscle disease. 羊对微量元素的失衡非常敏感,由于个体之间对铜的耐受性不铜,因此要定期监测微量元素,以防止失衡,降低生产性能(


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