交通肇事逃逸行为的探析 毕业论文.doc

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交通肇事逃逸行为的探析 毕业论文

Abstract Escape Behavior of Causing Traffic Accidents has becoming more and more common in modern society. This kind of behavior initiated a quite harmfulness influence among the public,so it’s urgent to call for law restraint.It’s definitely not an advisable choice for the trouble- maker escape after causing a traffic accident. Because if doing so, not only have a tremendous social dangerousness but also violating the legal rights and interests of other traffic participants and the national traffic safety administration discipline.In article 133 of Crimes and according to the supreme-court interpretation of practical methods when goes to adjudicate traffic criminal case are set up standard to the related issue.But on the contrary, it’s a knotty problem when processing escape behavior after causing a traffic accident in judicial-practice. What’s more, there are many differences and disputes even in the criminal law theorists.The paper will focus on the following four points: First, the research value of escape behavior of causing traffic accidents. Second, the legal defects about this respect in our country. Third, the foreign legislation. Fourth, the?countermeasure Study on escape behavior of causing traffic accidents. Keywords: escape behavior; the judicial determination of escape behavior;Death Caused by Escape; independent crime 交通肇事逃逸行为的探析 近年来,交通肇事逃逸问题一直是我国刑事司法和刑法理论关注的焦点。修订后的《刑法》把交通肇事逃逸行为作为一个加重处罚情节规定在交通肇事罪中,司法实践中法院主要是依据刑法第133条“交通肇事罪”的规定和最高院发布的《解释》来处理交通肇事逃逸案件。然而从该规定争议颇多。人们对交通肇事逃逸的认识、定性和处理不一,交通肇事罪内容不尽合理,规定不够明确,学界对此问题的认识存在分歧,导致司法实践中对这类案件的处理极不统一。于是,交通肇事中逃逸行为问题的研究具有迫切性。 一、 交通肇事中逃逸行为的研究价值 (一)有利于预防和惩罚交通肇事逃逸行为 随着经济发展,交通运输业日趋发达,交通肇事案件大幅上升,已成为一种多发性犯罪,严重影响了人民群众的生命、财产安全碰撞事故依然是道路交通事故的主要形态,碰撞事故死亡人数占事故总死亡人数的74.9%。如此庞大的数字令人触目惊心!从法院的审理情况看,交通肇事案件总体呈上升趋势,肇事后逃逸的现象也越来越突出。面对如此严峻的形势,国家采取了相应举措,而追究肇事者刑事责任成为制裁此类行为最严厉的惩罚,针对肇事后逃逸的行为人,由于其肇事行为更加严重的危害后果,从罪刑相适应原则出发,法律更是给予了重上加重的刑罚。 在发生交通事故后,交通事故当事人通常有种害怕和抵抗法律处理的心理。因为人们法律意识和知识的缺乏,导致更多人民财产和人民安全得不到及时有效的保护和救助。正因如此,交通肇事中对逃逸行为的研究和规范化,对人民财产和生命安全具有一


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