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摘要GSM-R系统是专门为铁路通信设计的综合专用数字通信系统。随着我国铁路提速、高速铁路和客运专线的修建及重载技术的不断发展,现有模拟式铁路无线通信已不能慢走现代化发展的需求。GSM-R系统作为专门为满足铁路应用而开发的数字移动通信系统,具有适应铁路运输的特点。GSM-R系统在我国的应用已经起步,但是其可靠性尚待实际运营的考验。本文主要探讨GSM-R的可靠性问题。截至2008年底,GSM-R移动通信系统已在青藏等铁路得到应用,运营里程达3000余公里。各线 GSM-R移动通信系统开通以来,达到了设计功能要求,网络质量基本稳定,在提高铁路运输效率,保证铁路运输安全方面起到了重要作用。但是, GSM-R通信系统与GSM网络一样,在传播过程中易受到外界多种因素的影响,以及GSM-R通信系统网络中设备本身的非线性、设备故障等因素的影响,造成同频、邻频等干扰,影响GSM-R通信系统业务应用质量和网络性能指标。因此,解决干扰问题是维护的重要工作。关键词:GSM-R、干扰、效能分析、可靠性AbstractGSM-R system is a dedicated digital communication system designed specifically for railway communication. As Chinas railway speed, high-speed railway and the construction of the passenger line, and reload the technology continues to evolve existing analogue railway radio communication can no longer walking the needs of modern development. GSM-R system as a digital mobile communication system developed specifically to meet the railway applications to adapt to the characteristics of rail transport. GSM-R system is already underway in China, but its reliability has yetto be the test of practical operation.This paper discusses the reliability issues of the GSM-R.As of the end of 2008, the GSM-R mobile communications system has been applied in Tibet, Qin Empireother railway operating mileage of 3,000 kilometers. Since the opening of the line of the GSM-R System for Mobile Communications to design functional requirements, the basic stability of network quality, improve the efficiency of rail transport, and played an important role to ensure that rail transport safety. However,the GSM-R communication system GSM network in the communication process vulnerable to the outside world a variety of factors, as well as the GSM-R communication system network device itself nonlinear, equipment failures and other factors, caused the same frequency , adjacent channel interference, the GSM-R communication system of the quality of business applications and network performance indicators. Therefore, to solve the interference problem is to maint


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