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Tess of the DUrbervilles ACT 1 Confession I am .Because now you can forgive me! I have a confession too, you remember? 是的,因为你现在可以原谅我了。我也要忏悔,你还记得吗? I take it you forgive me? 你这算是原谅我了吗 Yes, yes, oh, yes. 对没错,我原谅你了 You seem almost glad. 你看上去好像很高兴 Ah, the famous confession! The wicked deed! 你一直说的忏悔。那件坏事 It is serious, Angel.. 很严重的,安奇 No more serious than mine, Im sure. 我敢肯定不会比我的更严重 No,it isnt.It cant be .I will tell it now. 对,不会比你的严重,也不可能比你的严重,我现在就告诉你。 You remember when we first met? The May dance, where I wanted to dance with you,but you chose another? 你还记得我们第一次相遇吗?五朔节舞会,当时我想和你共舞,但是你挑了别人 Say something, Angel.Please? 说话啊,安奇。求你啦? Soon after that day, I met a man.His name was Alec. Alec DUrberville... ... 在那之后没几天 ,我遇见了一个男人。他的名字叫阿历克。 阿历克·德伯维尔... ... What would you have me say,Tess? 你想要我说什么呢,苔丝? He took you by force? 他是强行占有你的吗? That you forgive me. 说你原谅我了 I remember 我记得 It was.I was young and confused. 是的,我当时年幼无知 I was compelled. 我是不得已 But you said it was against your wishes. 但你说过这违背了你的意愿。 And he seduced you. 他勾引了你。 I didnt understand! 我当时不谙世事 You allowed yourself to be seduced. 你居然允许别人勾引你! No!Why are you twisting my words like this?It wasnt like that, not at all. 你为什么这样扭曲我说的话,不是这样的,根本不是。 I felt beholden to him for the help he had given to my family. 我很感激他帮助了我的家人 Your virtue was his reward,payment. 你就拿你的贞洁作为回报他的礼物吗 Yes, you do. 是的,你是原谅我了。 Angel, please say you forgive me, as I have forgiven. I forgive you. 安奇,请你原谅我,就像我原谅你一样。我原谅你了啊。 Forgiveness does not apply. You were one person, and now you are another. 我无法原谅你。你已不是从前的那个你了 I know that. 我知道。 I am the same woman who has been hoping, longing, praying to make you happy. 我还是那个整日期盼,渴望着并祈祷让你幸福的女人。 But you do not forgive me? 但是你却不愿原谅我吗 Then how can you, my husband,stop loving me? 但是你,我的丈夫,你怎么能不再爱我呢? And I thought that you loved me too! I love you forever, in all changes, in all disgraces,because you are yourself. 我以为你也爱我!无论世事变迁,无论悲欢宠辱,我会永远爱你,因为你还是我深爱的那个你。 I repea


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