论星级酒店知识型员工激励机制的建立—以夏湾拿酒店为例 毕业论文.doc

论星级酒店知识型员工激励机制的建立—以夏湾拿酒店为例 毕业论文.doc

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论星级酒店知识型员工激励机制的建立—以夏湾拿酒店为例 毕业论文

Abstract 窗体底端 窗体顶端 窗体底端 窗体顶端 The hotel industry is being in a competition intense time, establishes the complete hotel system machine-made system is necessary, but established the hotel knowledge staff incentive mechanism then to become the hotel superintendents first choice. Xia Wan who just commented 4 star classes regarding one took the hotel, established such one about the knowledge staffs incentive mechanism is very important. 窗体顶端This article thorough analysis, has studied in the star level hotel the knowledge staff incentive mechanism present situation, through boldly lives the hotel take Guangzhou Hawana Resor as the example, elaborated about the star level hotel knowledge staff incentive mechanism establishment, hoped that as soon as the more perfect hotel current incentive mechanism, as well as can help the hotel human resources management to carry on well and develops certain function to the hotel long-term good management. 窗体顶端At the same time, is also takes the hotel practice through oneself in Xia Wan the experience, elaborated profoundly establishes the knowledge staff incentive mechanism regarding the star-level hotel the importance. 窗体底端 窗体底端 窗体底端 Key Words: Star-level hotel, knowledge staff, incentive mechanism,Hawana Resort 目 录 中文摘要 1 Abstract 2 1.绪论 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究意义 1 1.2.1 对酒店来说 1 1.2.2 对员工来说 2 1.3 关于星级酒店的划分 2 1.4 知识型员工的含义 2 1.4.1 知识型员工的界定 3 1.4.2 星级酒店知识型员工的特点 3 1.5 酒店员工的激励与管理的内涵 4 2.本文研究的思路与重点 5 3.夏湾拿酒店知识型员工激励机制的现状 5 3.1 星级酒店的企业文化建设思想缺乏落实 5 3.2 酒店组织发展方向与知识型员工个体发展目标不符 5 3.3 工作设计不合理 6 3.4 激励手段单一 6 4.以广州东方夏湾拿豪生酒店为例建立知识型员工的激励机制 8 4.1 夏湾拿酒店知识型员工激励机制的现状 8 4.1.1 缺乏对知识型员工针对性培养的观念 8 4.1.2 没有科学的知识型员工的激励机制 8 4.2 夏湾拿酒店知识型员工激励机制的建立 8 4.2.1 合理设计知识型员工的工作 9 4.2.2 完善薪酬激励 10 4.2.3 创建一个良好的酒店培训体系 11 5.结论 11 参考文献 12 致 谢 13 1.绪论 知识经济时代占主导地位的是知识员工,知识员工不同于传统的劳动者,他们具有很强的创新能力,能帮助酒店企业在变化万千的市场环境中赢得优势,因为他们拥有最有价值的资产——知识。现代管理大师彼得·杜拉克指出:知识是如今唯一深远的资源。传统的生产要素——土地(即自然资源) 、劳动和资本虽没有消失,但已经变成第二位,只要有知识,就能够容易地得到传统的生产要素。正因为如此,作为知识载体的知识员工就必须得到酒店企业的足够重视。要有效地


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