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1. We love China. 2. We are reading this book. 3. He can speak English. 4. She is tired. 5.We have finished our homework. 简单句的五种基本句型 1.主语+不及物动词:( S+ Vi.) My head aches.? The bell rang. We work every day. She came yesterday. 1)他们正在努力工作。 2)我们每天学习努力。 3)那个老人去年去世了。 4)一场大火上周爆发了。 系动词: 一、?be动词:?? 二?、表示变化:? 三?、感官动词:? 四、?表示延续性的动词?:remain?、stay?、keep? 1)他是一个学生。 2)他的脸变红了。 3)食物闻起来很好吃。 4)我们的教室很漂亮。 5)你今天看起来很兴奋。6)他十六岁了。 3.主语+及物动词(vt.)+宾语 e.g. Henry bought a dictionary. Mike ate three cakes. she drew a beautiful picture. 1) 我爱我的祖国。 2)我喜欢打篮球。 3)他英语说很好。 4)我们正在做作业。 5)我们都有我们的梦想。 4、主语+及物动词+双宾语(间接宾语+直接宾语) e.g. My father bought me a car. =My father bought a car for me He gave me three yuan. =He gave three yuan to me 5、主语+及物动词+宾语+宾补 1.Tom made the baby laugh. 2.I can’t make myself understood. 3.I want you to lend me some money. 4.We saw her entering the room. 5.He made me wash his clothes. 6. It made me very happy. see/hear/watch/ sb. do/doing 1.He buys a car every year. 2.My sister lost his pencil this morning. 3.We are working day and night. 4.I was busy this morning. 5.She had finished her homework before you came. 6.We must obey the school rules every day. 7.This book is interesting.I want to read it very much. 8.He showed me his new cellphone. 9.She bought me a tie yesterday. 10.The baby is still sleeping. 11.We think the job easy. 12.I heard him entering the bank. 翻译句子 1.他给了我一本有趣的书。 2.我的爸爸给我买了一个电脑。 3.你的主意听起来不错。 4.我的同桌善良、耐心(patient adj.耐心的)。 5.这个女孩喜欢弹吉他(guitar)。 6.你喜欢交朋友么? 7.我昨天听见他唱歌了。 8.老师让我们每天按时完成作业。 9.太阳已经升起来了。(rise-rose-risen) 10.那个女孩正在高兴的跳舞。 结合例句说一下充当主语的通常是什么 * 结合例句说一下充当主语的通常是什么 * I believe I can learn English very well! 取得英语语法成功的基石 句子成分(1) 谓 主 宾 表示句子所说的是 “什么人”或“什么事物” 1.主 语 Gina is from Australia. She often goes to the movies. Doing the work is hard for him. 主语(subject):句子说明的人或事物。 主语一般位于______ 。 1.It is important for us


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