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英语周报教学课件系列 深圳牛津 七年级 第11期 同步课堂 Teaching Learning 教 与 学 第一版 Ⅰ. 请熟读熟记以下短语。 (*为已学或拓展短语。) fly kites 放风筝 go swimming 去游泳 have a picnic 野餐 *on the beach 在沙滩上 *get married 结婚 *knock on 敲击 *in the north (east, south, west) of ... 在……的北部(东部、南部、西部) *during the day 在白天 *in the middle of ... 在……的中间 【巩固练习】 一、根据句意,从方框中选择合适的短语填 空,注意其形式。 knock on, during the day, get married, on the beach, in the north of 3. Beijing is _______________ China, and it is often cold and dry in winter. 4. Peter will _______________ next Sunday. Will you go to his wedding (婚礼) party? 5. Tim is _______________ the door. He wants to get in. 二、根据中文意思完成句子。 1. 我喜欢在夏天去游泳。 I like ______ ______ in summer. 2. 看!很多人在广场上放风筝。 Look! Many people ______ ______ ______ in the square. 3. 站在学生中间的那个女士是我们的英语老 师。 The woman standing ______ ______ ______ ______the students is our English teacher. 4. 明天你想跟我们去野餐吗? Would you like to ______ ______ _____ with us tomorrow? 形容词的用法 请知悉下面形容词的构成方式,并仔细观察以 下例句中的黑体部分,然后补全结论部分所缺 的内容。 【知悉】名词变形容词的几种方式: 名词后加 ______(尤其是一些与天气有关 的名词),如: luck → lucky health → healthy cloud → cloudy wind → windy rain → rainy 2. 少数以不发音的e 结尾的名词,去______ 再加 ______ ,如: noise → noisy ice → icy 3. 个别名词后加 ______ ,注意它们虽然形 似副词, 但其实是形容词,如: friend → friendly love → lovely 4. 通过加某些后缀,如?ing,______ , ______ ,______ 和?en等, 如: interest → interesting help → helpful danger → dangerous north → northern gold → golden 【观察】 1. Kate is a kind girl. 2. The boy was very excited yesterday. 3. The teacher looks angry. 4. He got happy when he heard the news. 5. It is very interesting to make snowmen. 【结论】 通过观察可知上述例句中的黑体部分均为 ① _______(形容词/副词)。 形容词的用法: 形容词作定语时,常用来修饰名词,且放在名词的② _______ (前面/后面),如例1。


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