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On the reservation of English dialogue ★「订桌位」有如下的说法:   I’d like to book a table for four at seven tonight.   (我今晚七点想订一张四个人的桌子。)   I’d like to make a reservation for this Saturday evening.   (我这个礼拜六晚上想订张桌位。)   We are a group of four.   (我们有四个人。)   There will be three of us.   (我们有三个人。) ★要「挑选中意的位子」时可说:   We’d prefer a table by the window.(我们喜欢靠窗的桌位。)   We’d like to sit by the window.(我们想要坐在窗边。)   We’d like to sit in the nonsmoking area.(我们想要坐在非吸烟区。)   We’d like a smoking table.(我们想要吸烟区的桌位。)   I’d like a quiet corner, if possible.(我想要安静的角落,如果可能的话。)   Could we have a table close to the band(我们可以选靠近乐队的桌位吗?) ? 服务员常用口语 1 Can I help you ? / May I help you ? / What can I get for you today 2 May / Can I take your order ? 您要吃点什么? 3 What will it be ? 您要点什么? 4 For here or to go ? / Stay or to go ? / Is that for here or to go ? ——For here . / To go . 5 Do you need some drinks ? / Would you like something to drink ? / What kind of drinks ? 6 Would you like fries to go with that ? ( 如果你是单点汉堡,他可能会这样问 ) 7 What kind of meat would you like ? 您要什么肉? 8 What kind of sauce would you like with the chicken nuggets ? / Which sauce do you like ? 你想在鸡块上用哪 Some conversations A是服务员 B是顾客 A: What can I do for you, sir/Ms? 先生/女士,您要来点什么? B: Can we see the menu, please? 能让我们看一看菜单吗? A:Sure, here you are. 给您。 B: I’d like to try some real Chinese cuisine. What would you recommend, waiter? 我想吃点真正的中国菜。您给我推荐什么呢,服务生? A: Well, it depends. You see, there are eight famous Chinese cuisines:for instance, the Sichuan cuisine, and the Hunan cuisine. 那要看情况了。您知道,中国主要有八大菜系。比方说,川菜、湘菜。 B: They are both spicy hot, I’ve heard. 我听说这两种都很辣。 A: That’s right. If you like hot dishes, you can try some. 对。您要是爱吃辣的,可以试试。 B: They might be too hot for me. 对我来说可能太辣了点 A: Then there’s the Cantonese cuisine and the Jiangsu cuisine. Most southerners like them. 再有是粤菜和江苏菜。大多南方人都爱吃。 B: What about any special Beijing dishes? 有什么特别的北京风味菜吗? A: There’s the Beijing roast duck. 有北京烤鸭啊。 (这里填入你想介绍的菜系……) …… B:Would you like some drinks


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