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英语应用文写作 建议信 第一部分:说明写信的目的 套语: (1) 来信收到,得知你下个月要对中国进行一次为期十天的访问,我建议…… I have received your letter saying that you plan to have a visit to China for ten days next month. I recommend that…… (2) 写此信是要提出我对饭店管理进一步提高和改进的建议——建立我们自己的网站来吸引更多的客户。 I am writing to you to present what I think on the further improvement of our hotel so as to establish a website of our own to attract more clients. 第二部分:介绍详情、说明原因 套语:根据具体的写作内容具体叙述。 第三部分:提出建议 套语: 我建议…… I’d like to suggest that …… In my opinion …… I would like to make a recommendation that … I am writing to advise you of …… 第四部分:提出希望采纳建议,并表示谢意,盼望回复 套语: (1) 对你就此事的关注不胜感激。 Thank you for your attention. (2) 请仔细考虑我的建议,谢谢。Please take good consideration of my advice. Thanks. 范文示例 假设你是张颖,你的朋友写信来询问关于如何报考的问题,请你根据以下的提示给他写一封回信。 1.建议报考的专业及理由; 2.报考该专业的基本条件; 3.应当如何备考。 A Letter of Reply to a Friend Dear Tom, I am glad to know you’re going to apply for admission to our university. With regard to major, I advise you to apply for the English major, because the English major of our university wins a notable fame through the whole nation by its modern teaching equipments and prestigious professors. Also, generally graduates majored in English in our university get desirable employment on job markets. And some requirements are essential for applying for the English major of university. Firstly, you should be good at English grammar and have a considerable vocabulary. Secondly, you should be adept in spoken English for an oral test is followed after normal examination. Thirdly, good listening ability is also required. Therefore, when making the preparation you should pay attention to enlarging your vocabulary and practicing the grammar. At the same time, you should practice the listening and oral English persistently. And, of course, to reach the goal, lots of exercises are necessary. Yours, Zhang Ying 求助信 常用句型: 求助信的开头表明目的常用句式:? 我写信想请您帮我一个忙。 1. I am writing this letter to ask you to do me a fa


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