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为了避免重复,突出关键词语,并使上下文紧密连接,在句子中有时就省去了一个或几个句子成分。这种语法手段就称为省略。省略是重要的修辞原则,因此,只要不损害语法结构,不产生歧异,能省略的就应省略。省略大体可以分为以下几种: I. 句首省略:在非正式谈话中,如果意思清楚,句首的非重读词语常常省略。可以省略的词包括冠词a/an, the、物主代词 my, your等、人称代词I ,you等、助动词 am, have等、和there be句型中的there。例如: (Have you)Found the treasure? (Do you) Want to see him? (Are you) Going home? (I beg your )Pardon? Where (are you going) to? (Is there) anything I can do for you? II. 答语的省略 答语在语法上经常不完整,因为不需要重复刚才说过的话。 1. ---Have you finished your composition? ---Not yet. 2. ---Linda has arrived. ---when? 3. ---He won’t go to the party. ---why not? 在简略答语中,如果句子无动词,要用宾格代词作主语,而不用主格代词: 1. ---Who wants a ride in my car? ---Me!/ Not me! 2. ---I hear you’re a professor. ---Me a professor! 3. ---I really want to have a good sleep. ---Me, too. III. 介词的省略 1)在以next, last, this, that, these, those, one, every, each, some, any, all等开始的一些表示时间的常用词组前面以及tomorrow morning,yesterday afternoon前面,不用介词: See you next Saturday. I’ll never forget meeting you that afternoon. We met one Tuesday in August. Come any day you like. The party lasted all night. 2)在非正式文体中,尤其在美国,一周七天前面的on有时省略: And see you Monday. 3)在非正式文体中,在about +时间词组前面at经常省略: I’ll see you about 3 o’clock. 4) 在非正式文体中,表示某事维持多长时间的词组里,for常省略: We have lived here (for) ten years. 5)在be后表示计量的词组等: 含有height, weight, length, size, shape, age, colour, area等词的词组与动词be连用 时,往往省略介词of: What colour are her eyes? He is medium height. I’m the same weight as I was twenty years ago. What size shoes are you? 6)在 in this way, in the same way, in another way等词组里,经常省略in: They plant corn (in) the same way their ancestors used to 500 years ago. She walked this way at the same time every morning. 7) 在非正式文体中,与place连用的一些词组里,to可以省略: Let’s go some place where it’s quiet. He doesn’t have money to go places. 在非正式文体中,在place, day, way, time+不定式+介词结构中,可省略介词: They need a place to live (in). She has no place to go (to). ?I cant think of a worse?way?to?spend my time. IV.不定式的省略 1)如果意思清楚的话,可以用to代替整个不定式: 1. I went there because I wa


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