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Consonant clusters A consonant cluster is a group of two, three, or even four consonant pronounced together. Consonants clusters can be very difficult for many speakers. There are no vowel sounds to separate the consonants in the cluster. When pronouncing cluster sounds, be careful not to insert a vowel between cluster sounds. Otherwise, you would create a completely different word than intended. Now, let’s look at few of the most difficult consonant clusters. 两个相同或相近的音位,在发音过程中因受某种影响,而变得不同或不相近,这种现象叫做异化。 异化也称辅音的浊化现象,[s]后面的清辅音当连接一个元音时(一般出现在重读音阶上),[s]后面的清辅音受后面的元音影响,在实际法音中要读成与其相对应的浊辅音,在语音分析中称为浊化。 (1)sp+元音 口语中读音为 [sb+元音] spend v. 花费 How do you spend you leisure? 你是怎样消磨空闲时间的。 He spends a lot of time with his girlfriend. 他花了很多时间与他女朋友泡在一起。 Speak v.说话;谈话 Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩 I must speak with my son about his cigarette smoking. 我必须同我的儿子谈一谈他的吸烟问题。 (2)sk+元音 口语中读音为 [sg+元音] scare v.惊吓;受惊 I’m so scared. 我很怕。 You scared me. 你吓了我一跳。 School n.学校 He has studied English in school for two years. 他在学校学过两年英语。 If I were a millionaire, I would start a school. 如果我是一个百万富翁,我将办一所学校 (3)st+元音 口语中读音为 [sd+元音] If you are ready, you may start you work. 如果你准备好了,你可以开始工作了。 He was so excited that he started to cry. 他激动的热泪盈眶。 Did you stay up late last night? 作业你熬的很晚吗? A: What steps are you taking in the matter If you are ready, you may start you work. He was so excited that he started to cry. 他激动的热泪盈眶。 He came yesterday and he is still here. 他昨天来的,现仍在此。 He is dull; still, he tries hard. 虽然笨,可是他很刻苦。 Did you stay up late last night? 作业你熬的很晚吗? A: What steps are you taking in the matter? 这件事你打算怎么办? B: We’re dealing with it step by step. 一步一


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