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A research on the popular language of network 关于对网络流行语的一点研究 Ⅰ.What is the popular language of network? Many young and fashionable Internet users have flexible thinking and they like new things , innovation . They continue to create some new words ,full of weird taste, vivid and vigor, which are widely used by Internet users in Internet chat. 许多年轻而时尚的网民们思维灵活,喜欢新事物,崇尚创新,不断创造出一些充满怪异情趣、生动活泼的新词 ,这些词在网络聊天中被网民们约定俗成后广泛流传。 Ⅱ.The carrier of popular Network language At present ,Internet users are mostly from young people.those young people, full of personality, like innovation and pursue fashion.Because of difference in psychology ,they express their feelings in a variety of different ways. Once Internet users resonating with some original statements ,most of them will accept and use it widely. 目前,网民大多数是以年轻人为主,年轻人追求时尚,富有个性,喜欢创新,他们出于不同的心理,运用各种不同的语言方式表达着自己的感情。一些独创的语句一旦使网友产生共鸣,被大部分网民所接受,就会迅速流行开来 。 网络流行语的载体 Ⅲ.Popular network in recent years 近几年较火的网络流行语 a. Can rely on the appearance of food, but it depends on the talent Because of Jialing’s old handsome photos being turned out by netizens,people marvel at it and Jialing also replied in micro blog : I have let you see affectionately that i can live on with my beauty obviously,but just by talent. 此事因贾玲昔日的清秀照片被网友翻出来后引发女神感叹,而贾玲在微博上回应道:“我深情地演绎了:明明可以靠脸吃饭,偏偏要靠才华。” 能靠长相吃饭 却偏偏要靠才华 ?You guys really can play in the city. 你们城里人真会玩 b. You guys really can play in the city. 1、有人假扮吴亦凡让那些狗仔以为是吴亦凡本人,并且狗仔把照片上传到微博上,然后才发现并不是吴亦凡本人,之久就出来了这句你们城里人真会玩;2、戛纳红毯后,“披着东北花被”的张馨予在微博上发照片,说自己是农村小媳妇,还称你们城里人真会闹。 Ⅰ.The paparazzi take the person ,pretending to be Wu Yifan ,seriously and uploaded to micro-blog, then found themselves deceived .For a long time ,this sentence comes out. Ⅱ. After the red carpet in Cannes, zhangxinyu ,dressed in “Northeast perianth sent photos on Micro blog and said she was a rural small daughter-in-law that you guys really can play in the city. c. But its no use. This comes from a Game commentator in a live broadcast, and later in a


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