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The appreciation of the beautiful words By 云凭语 Touch you heart Love boldly, do something special, make others feel important. 大胆去爱,做些特别的事,让别人感到你的重要性。 Greate margin, greate speace in your day for the unexpected and space just to breathe.留白,一天中给意外留点时间和空间,透透气。 If I Rest, I Rust 如果我休息,我就会生锈 The significant inscription found on an old key – “If I rest, I rust” – would be an excellent motto for those who are afflicted with the slightest bit of idleness. Even the most industrious person might adopt it with advantage to serve as a reminder that, if one allows his faculties to rest, like the iron in the unused key, they will soon show signs of rust and, ultimately, cannot do the work required of them. 1. Put up or shut up. 前段时间网上流行过这么一句话:You can you up, no can no BB. 那么,大家想过这句话的正确的英文表达是什么吗?啊对,就是Put up or shut up,意为:要么去做,要么闭嘴! 2.To err is human. 看字面意思,貌似该翻译成“犯错才是人”,可怎么觉得哪里怪怪的呢? 正解:犯错是人的本性。 或者提高一点翻译的格调:人非圣贤,孰能无过。 啊,这就说得通了。 3.It gets my goat. 那么,如果有人跟你说“My way or the highway.”(不听我的就滚蛋!)你的反应一般都会是“It gets my goat.” 嗯,什么,我的反应是“动了我的山羊”? 不不,这句话的意思是:真让人生气! 4.You said we were through. 让人生气的话可能还有这一句。可是看着好像并不令人生气啊,“你说我们通过了”,似乎是喜讯呢! 不,这句话的意思是:你说我们玩完了! 这可是分手时说的话啊!另外,分手还可以这么说:I am so over you. You are history. 5.Follow my nose. 以上内容至少让我们明白一点:这句话绝对不会翻译成“跟着我的鼻子”。啊对,这句话的意思是:凭直觉做事。 不过这个短语还有“笔直走”的意思,如I will follow my nose to the kitchen.(我要径直走向厨房) 6.play cat and mouse 玩猫和老鼠? The police have played cat and mouse with the murderer.是不是该翻译成“警察和谋杀犯玩猫和老鼠”? 咦,似乎明白什么了……对,这个短语可以翻译成“欲擒故纵”。 becomingly [b?k?m??li] adv 适当地 courteously [k?:ti?sli] adv 有礼貌地 hundredfold [h?ndr?d,fold] adj . 百倍的 rarity [r?r?ti] n. 罕见 precede[pr?sid] vt/vi. 领先 Words Thanks thanks. (*ˉ︶ˉ*) Bye ヽ(?ω?ゞ)


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