浅析别墅外观中现代设计元素的运用 毕业论文.doc

浅析别墅外观中现代设计元素的运用 毕业论文.doc

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浅析别墅外观中现代设计元素的运用 毕业论文

Abstract At home, the villa also became the real estate market will accessories, many developers are played a similar lakeside villa. First jiang jinghao words, the key is to attract buyers to return to natural caught by the desire, but just these people was to become developers using cash cow, goods the scam and weeding out the wrong board. The villa in 1000 times are on modelling, people cant find belongs to own true villas, and villa itself and into the perennial goods. But strangely, sales of increasing sharply villa, it also reflects the psychological characteristics of some Chinese upstarts and government control power shortage. Stop batch villa land policies, land resource scarcity since the biggest selling point becomes villa. And have your cake and eat it city life the convenience and low density residence form double characteristics, but also the villa is out of print of power. Land resources, decided the non-renewable villa product relative to other residential product, the more to maintain and increase their value. Especially in countries, golf villa products of villa and golf land policies, forbidden double golf villa resources more show serious scarce, make it more substantial appreciation potential. In the United States, Australia, southeast Asia and other regions, golf villa average appreciation is six times that of the other housing projects Key Words:Villa, Sculpt,Lack 目 录 中文摘要 2 Abstract 3 1. 国内别墅的相关研究综述 1 1.1国内别墅的现况与别墅的定义 1 1.1.1国内别墅的现况 1 1.1.2别墅的定义 1 1.1.3用地环境特殊 1 1.1.4单独设计建造 1 1.1.5反映业主的审美情趣和职业特点 2 1.1.6造型丰富多彩 2 2.别墅风格的区分 2 2.1地中海风格 2 2.2欧洲风格 3 2.3北美风格 3 2.4 工艺美术风格 3 2.5 现代风格 4 5.结论 5 参考文献 6 致 谢 7 引 言 ”都是房地产商批量的建造,缺少特色,也曲解了别墅的真正意义。虽然香港等部分地区有自建别墅,但始终是少数。相对而言,国外的别墅充满着浓郁的个人主义和地方主义名族色彩,而且国内的别墅外观大多仿欧洲古典风格路线,满足了大众对奢华的追求品味。 1.1.2别墅的定义 目前房地产市场在规划地块上按照统一的图纸,成批建造的所谓“别墅“,其实只不过是标准高些的独院式住宅,也就是房子。称不上真正的别墅。但他们常常有一个共同的特点,就是豪华有余,品味不足,甚至以比阔为能事,反映出某些暴发户的心理特征,这是我们应引以为戒的。从以上观点来说,区别一般住宅和别墅,并不以规模大小,标准高低和投资多少作为依据,两者在使用功能和设计原理上也无严格界限。它们之间的区别就在


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