浅析亲亲相隐制度 毕业论文.doc

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浅析亲亲相隐制度 毕业论文

Abstract Shielding Relatives system is an important part of ancient Chinese legal system, which originated in the Spring and Autumn, establish in the Han Dynasty, perfect in the Tang Dynasty. Kiss-phase system, the production also has hidden a number of reasons. From a cultural point of view, Confucianism in Chinese history in a long-term status of kiss only use two systems relative to implicit cultural reasons; from a social point of view, the familys social consciousness is the kiss first phase generated by an implicit system of social causes; from the political point of view, relative to an implicit system of kiss after the Han dynasty was able to obtain recognition of the various feudal dynasty, the reason is that such a system is conducive to maintaining the authoritarian rule of feudal society. Although the kiss-phase system is implicitly a certain negative impact, but also exist in the positive sense. In the context of building a socialist society, the family is the cell of society, is the cornerstone of social stability and family harmony is the basis for social harmony. Relatives of the kiss to give an objective assessment of the system, whichever is essence to its dross, to improve our existing criminal laws is necessary. Key words: Shielding Relatives;Harmonious Society;Cover up the crime;value 浅析“亲亲相隐”制度 “亲亲相隐”制度,是指在一定范围内亲属可以相互隐瞒犯罪行为,法律对之不予制裁或者减轻处罚的刑事制度。本文主要对“亲亲相隐”制度进行了深入、细致的探讨,再分析我国现行《刑法》、《刑事诉讼法》相关规定的基础上,结合古今中外的一些案例和实践,分析目前我国刑事法律对伦理亲情相关规定存在的主要问题及不足,进而提出完善的措施。 一、“亲亲相隐”制度的渊源、发展历程及历史意义 (一)“亲亲相隐”制度的渊源 自古以来,中国就是一个极其注重伦常纲纪的社会,“亲亲相隐”或“亲属容隐”的规定在中国古代历朝的法律中均有体现。“亲亲相隐”的雏形最早可以上溯至西周。“亲亲”、“尊尊”是西周贯穿于周礼中的两条基本原则,也是中国宗法制度的萌芽。“亲亲”要求父慈、子孝、兄友、弟恭,“尊尊”要求上命下从,不许犯上作乱。这两条维持整个统治秩序的基本原则发展至春秋战国时期,为以孔子为代表的儒家学说所继承。在《论语·子路》中记载:“叶公语孔子曰:‘吾党有直躬者,其父攘羊,而其子证之。’孔子曰:‘吾党之直异于是,父为子隐,子为父隐,直在其中矣。’”叶公认为父亲偷羊,儿子作证,是正直的表现;而孔子则认为父亲犯罪,儿子包庇,正直就已经包含在里面了。孔子的这段经典答问为日后“亲亲相隐”制度的法制化提供了理论指导。 汉代初期,统治者直接将儒家经典作为裁判案件的理论依据,史称“春秋决狱”。汉宣帝地节四年下诏:“自今子匿父母,妻匿夫、孙匿大父母,皆勿坐,其父母匿子、夫匿妻、大父母匿孙,罪殊死者皆上请廷尉以闻。”自


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