商品房预售法律问题研究 毕业论文.doc

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商品房预售法律问题研究 毕业论文

Abstract The commercial housing sold in advance is our country in recent years the real estate market development product, played the vital role regarding the solution development construction funds insufficiency. It has become in our country commercial housing market with the end product room business two kind of main house selling form. But, because commercial housing selling in advance is also at the embryonic stage in our country, the existing laws and regulations are very imperfect, in reality had many problems, because for example the contract concludes a treaty which the responsibility not clear causes to sell, as well as, because part purchasing homes has not been able to provide the corresponding material under dealers misleading to cause promptly to be unable to finalize finally the realistic house, or will be completes in the realistic house later is unable to obtain the real estate evaluator, what will be more will be the subject matter existence serious slight defect, purchasing homes moves in later presented influence actual housing and so on house water leakage, wall crack questions. As a result of these questions, even also has many purchasing homes appeals to cancel the commercial housing to sell in advance the system. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen to sells in advance the commercial housing related legal matter the discussion and the research. key word: The commercial housing sells in advance; the property right limits; the guarantee of mortgage 商品房预售法律问题研究 商品房预售制度作为现有被认可的房屋买售方式,对于开发商解决资金调度问题、购房者规避价格波动带来的价差损失有着积极的意义。但由于当前关于商品房预售制度的法律法规还不够完善,存在着不少的漏洞。每每遇到合同缔约责任界定不清等问题,以及标的物瑕疵等问题,由于没有足够明确的法律对其进行规限,出现这些问题时也没法给购房者进行私力救济提供足够的法律依据,甚至有人大代表因此呼吁取消商品房预售制度。商品房预售制度当下如何?是否像某些人认为的那样非取消不可?以下,便是笔者对于当前商品房预售法律问题的现状解读和探讨。 一、我国商品房预售制度的现状及法律缺陷 (一)商品房预售的现状 商品房预售在现今社会已经十分普遍,也正是由于商品房预售既能够便利开发商的资金调度,又能够帮助购房者规避房价波动带来的差额损失,因此不论是购房者还是开发商大都乐意采用这种方式进行房屋买售。鉴于此,虽然当前商品房预售制度存在一定的漏洞,但这个制度将会被长期应用,同时相关的法律法规也会逐步得到完善。 由于商品房预售在我国才刚刚起步,购房人对商品房预售市场认识不够,加之现行法律法规的不完善,往往在


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