试论我国居住权制度的设立问题 毕业论文.doc

试论我国居住权制度的设立问题 毕业论文.doc

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试论我国居住权制度的设立问题 毕业论文

Abstract Since the reform and opening up, our country in the aspect of society and economic have achieved rapid development. Accompanied by the excessive expansion of the economy and even the generation of the bubble economy. The rapid economic development, making a series of social issues are also increasingly prominent. The most obvious problem is that people can not afford housing and basic rights are not met. The reason can not afford housing except the high land prices, there were some people who have real estate assets of the act. Although the state has adopted a series of policies, such as ten countries to determine if a legal system through legislation, then allowing people the right to housing is guaranteed by law, will be more insurance. Through analysis, that the residency system not only conforms to Chinas national conditions, but also solve the existing problems. Therefore, the establishment of residency system is very necessary. This causes the system to establish the right of residence as the starting point, relevant laws and regulations of foreign countries and propose solutions to problems in the establishment of residency, and finally set up residence emphasized the need for more good than harm. Key words: Personal Servitude ;Rights of Residence ;Necessity ;System Construction 试论我国居住权制度的设立问题 居住权制度起源于罗马,属于罗马法中人役权的一种,其出现晚于地役权居住权是指居住他人房屋的权利。最初仅作为受遗赠人享受某种利益的事实,在人役权的规则形成以后,判例上为了维护遗嘱自由的原则,尊重遗赠人的意志对旧有习惯未加改变具体表现为,居住权不因使用者不行使或人格变更而消灭并且享受此项利益的人还可以把标的物出租在地役权和人役权的二元结构体系中,居住权是层层缩小和受限制的用益权,是用益权的下属概念。随着我国经济的迅速发展,人们贫富悬殊日益增大,房屋价格直线上涨,大量的农村人口涌向城市,使城市人口过度集中有部分人既买不起,租不起房享有居住权制度的设立为这些既买起房又租不起房的人们提供了一种现实可能的选择,享长期稳定的居住权利并以法律的形式予以保障。在现代社会,财产以它的价值得到最大化利用为首要原则。也就是说,作为不动产的房屋应实现它的最大化效用。效用是物权立法、司法以及人们从事物权行为时所必须予以考虑的设立居住权可达到这一目的。,设立居住权可以较好地分配财产的所有权的归属与财产的利用权。设立居住权,使财产所有权与财产利用权的配置达到了最优化,是对社会财富的所有与利用所作的理想配置。 对于居住权否纳入立法,不能简单地从成本上考虑。更重要的是,它是一项权利,而权利的保护是不能看,立法更不能因为只涉及少数人的利益怠于保护。,一只木桶盛水容量的多少,最终取决于其最短的木板的高度。同理,衡量一个社会的权利保护程度,某种程度上不在于立法确认了多少权利,而在于还有多少权利没有被确认;不在于大部分人的权利保


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