试论我国疑罪从无的司法实现 毕业论文.doc

试论我国疑罪从无的司法实现 毕业论文.doc

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试论我国疑罪从无的司法实现 毕业论文

论文编号: 华南师范大学增城学院 本科毕业论文 题 目: 试论我国疑罪从无的司法实现 姓 名: 杨 楚 文 学 号: 050524113 系 别: 法 律 系 专业班级: 律师实务(1)班 指导教师: 周 颖 2009 年 4 月 6 日 目录 中文摘要 I Abstract II 一、我国疑罪从无司法实现问题的提出 1 (一)疑罪从无司法实现的理论基础 2 (二)疑罪从无司法实现的重要性 4 二、我国疑罪从无司法实现存在的问题分析 4 (一)法律规定的不完善 5 (二)司法体制障碍 6 (三)主观障碍 7 (四)诉讼外障碍 7 三、国外疑罪从无司法实现及对我国的启示 8 (一)国外疑罪从无司法实现解析 9 (二)国外疑罪从无司法实现对我国的启示 10 四、我国疑罪从无司法实现的途径和措施 11 (一)完善立法 11 (二)司法体制改革 14 (三)更新司法理念 14 (四)正确引导案外因素 15 参考文献 16 致 谢 17 中文摘要 疑罪从无是无罪推定原则在刑事案件实体处理上的体现。随着1996年的修改疑罪从无原则已经在我国法律中确立遗憾的是作为一项的刑事诉讼原则,疑罪从无原则在我国司法实践中未受到足够的重视至今没有成为刑事的执法主流有深入分析和认识疑罪才能寻求正确合理的解决方案。疑罪的理论,分析疑罪从无的主要he rule of “in dubio pro reo” is the presumption of innocence reflect in the entities deal with criminal cases. With the 1996 amendments to Chinas Criminal Procedure Law, the rule of “in dubio pro reo” has been established in our legal. But unfortunately, as an important principle of criminal proceedings, the rule of “in dubio pro reo” judicial practice in China especially in the criminal trial, has never been given sufficient attentions. So far, it has not become the mainstream of criminal judicial enforcement. Only depth analyze and understand the reasons that impede the rule of “in dubio pro reo” to realize in our country, can we able to find the reasonable solutions. This article proceed from the theoretical basis and the importance that the rule of “in dubio pro reo” realized in judicial practice, and analyzed the main issues existed in judicial implementation of “in dubio pro reo” in our country. Simultaneously, on the basis of learning the successful experience from foreign countries, put forward some proposals to the judicial implementation of “in dubio pro reo” of our country. Key Words: doubt case; in dubio pro reo; judicial implementation; presumption of innocence; criminal procedure 试论我国疑罪从无的司法实现 目前,疑罪从无原则在我国立法中被基本得以体现,在渐进的民主法治化进程中向“无罪推定”目标靠近司法实践中未受到足够的重视的实


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