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Kanglongyue(Krissy) Mr.Lee A060CC tomorrow morning at eight, please be on time in the hotel hall set ready to start 张家界为中国湖南省的省辖地级市,位于湖南西北部,澧水中上游 ,属武陵山脉腹地,为中国最重要的旅游城市之一。 1982年9月,张家界成为中国第一个国家森林公园, 1988年8月,武陵源被列入国家第二批40处重点风景名胜区之内; 1992年,由张家界国家森林公园、索溪峪风景区、天子山风景区三大景区 构成的武陵源自然风景区 被联合国教科文组织列入《世界自然遗产名录》。 张家界市境内山峦重叠,地表起伏很大,最高点海拔1890.4米, 最低点海拔75米。 张家界,奇峰三千,秀水八百,张家界的山大多是拔地而起山,山上峰峻石奇, 或玲珑秀丽,或峥嵘可怖,或平展如台,或劲瘦似剑 。张家界,既有千姿百态的岩溶地貌奇观,又有举世罕见的砂岩峰林异景。 Russias subway has been recognized as the worlds most beautiful subway, enjoy the laudatory name of underground art hall . 革命广场站 (Revolution Square station) Площадь Революции Waiting in line to get the ticket the road line of May 9th agreement ceremony zero kilometers, which is also the center point of Moscow Look, this is Red Square…… красная площадь 91000 square meters, 1/5 of Tiananmen square stone slab(条石) five meters deep and go to the tank without any damage The Route We are here! Lenins Mausoleum(列宁墓) The proletarian revolutionary mentor Lenins body is placed inside crystal coffin At the top of the tomb is a reviewing stand, witnessed countless military parade in Red Square(红场大阅兵) Entrance is free of charge Before, armed police or military guards search them. show respect (forbidden): inside, taking pictures and videotaping, talking, smoking, keeping hands in pockets, wearing hats (unless female). Celebrity Tomb(名人墓) Swerdlow斯维尔德洛夫,J, dzerjinski捷尔仁斯基,Stalin斯大林,Brezhnev勃列日涅夫,etc Basque tower Moscow Kremlin bell is Basque upstairs’ chime clock. The gate is a channel for the Russian President Saint Basils Cathedral Church one of the eight wonders, the Russian Orthodox Church, popularly known as the Jerusalem Two tales Grant Duke Ivan, in order to no longer appear such a beautiful church, ordered to blind the architects eyes. Two tales Russian army was able to win the war with the help of 8 saints.8 dome represent the saint, the tallest Church is a symbol of Gods high place 100 ru


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