我国股票融资问题及对策浅析 毕业论文.doc

我国股票融资问题及对策浅析 毕业论文.doc

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我国股票融资问题及对策浅析 毕业论文

中文摘要 运用股票融资、实行股票制有很多好处,诸如拓宽筹资渠道,扩大筹资规模等。公司发行股票可以明确产权关系,有利于股东和社会监督,改善资本结构,为企业注入新的活力。我国股票市场发展了十几年,从无到有,以及创业板的上市和股票期权的推出,将我国的股票融资继续向前推去。但是我国股票融资还存在不少问题,本文主要介绍了股票融资的一般概念和我国股票融资中存在的一些问题,以及为应对这些问题提出了一些对策,以促进我国企业更好的融资和促进我国股市的健康发展。 关键词:股票,融资,资本市场 Abstract There are many advantages of using stock financing and implementing the stock system, such as widening financing expanded financing channels, scale, etc. The company issuing shares can clear property rights. It is beneficial for shareholders, social supervision and improving the capital construction enterprises to inject new vitality. Our stock market developed a dozen years, from scratch, and the second board market and stock options, our stock of the financing will continue to push forward to the financing of our country. But there are still many problems. This paper mainly introduces the financing of the concept and the financing of the existing problems, for responding to these questions put forward some countermeasures for Chinese enterprises better financing and promoting the healthy development of our stock market. Widening financing expanded financing channels, scale, etc. the company issuing shares can clear property rights to shareholders, and social supervision and improve the capital construction enterprises to inject new vitality. our stock market developed a dozen years, from scratch, and the second board market and stock options, our stock of the financing will continue to push forward to the financing of our country. but there are still many problems, this paper mainly introduces the financing of the concept and the financing of the existing problems and for responding to these questions put forward some countermeasures for Chinese enterprises better financing and promoting the healthy development of our stock market. Key words: stock, financing, capital market 引 言 在经济快速发展的当今社会,企业要在竞争激烈的商业社会中建立自己的根基,有所发展,强大的资金供应已成为维持企业命脉的重要因素。只有具备强大的资金流,企业才能生存和发展,才能在出现经营危机时刻,使企业度过难关。那么如何才能有效获取资金,已成为众多企业时常关注的问题。一直以来,我


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