纤维在装饰绘画的应用 毕业论文.doc

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纤维在装饰绘画的应用 毕业论文

Abstract As a kind of art form and an unique artistic expression methods, adornment have been thrived in the national art soil and renewed as the time developed, reflecting on the unique artistic style. Fiber in the application of decorative painting, decorative painting in the Western tradition has been the emergence of fiber material as a more general nature and ancient materials, the application of the decorative paintings has been more popular, the use of fiber materials, so that decorative Draw closer to life close to nature, fiber decorative painting compared with other types of decorative painting, is more affinity, the more people feel the warmth. 朗读 显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音 In adornment design and creation ,the flexible master for techniques and appropriately choice is the important aspect to show the touching visual image. With the combination of wool, oil colors and light,we can make distinctive artistic effect on adornment. In practice we find that in the process of adornment production, the choice of different industrial materials will make adornment more creative charm. Key Words:Fiber, Artistic effect, Industrial Materials 目 录 中文摘要 2 Abstract 3 1.装饰画艺术的相关研究综述 5 1.1 装饰画艺术的起源 5 1.1.1 中国传统装饰画艺术的起源 5 1.1.2 西方传统装饰画艺术的起源 6 1.2 装饰画艺术的发展 7 2.装饰画的表现形式和材质分类 8 2.1.装饰画的表现形式 8 2.2.装饰画的材质分类 10 3.纤维在装饰画的应用 11 4.纤维装饰艺术的特点 13 5.现代纤维装饰绘画的实践研究 13 5.1现代纤维装饰画的创作选材 13 5.2维装饰画的创作题材和创作灵感 14 5.3维装饰画的创作步骤和方法 14 6. 现代纤维装饰绘画创作心得 14 7. 结论 15 参考文献 16 致 谢 17 引 言 装饰画是艺术视觉里面一个不可缺少的元素。装饰画是一种并不强调很高的但非常讲究与环境的协调和美化效果的特殊类型作品装饰画与纯绘画的区别可以从功能上来划分,凡是用来装饰器物或建筑的,无论其选题、构图、色彩、造型、不管其运用什么手法只要以被装饰对象的要求为准绳,并使之与装饰物统一于一体者,都应属于装饰画的范畴。。陶盆的内壁口沿处,15人携手并肩,以5人为一组,便便起舞,节奏有序,单纯的跳跃动作,呈现了“马家窑人”精神生活的一个重要侧面。用墨色绘在红质的彩陶上,色感强烈,具有写与绘的表现力,可算得上比较早的中国装饰绘画的主题绘画作品了。 图1-1 图1-2 图片来自百度 图片来自百度 战国时期的青铜艺术是继原始彩陶以后又一座不可企及的艺术高峰。其中“水陆攻战图”(如图1-2)是为装饰铜壶而设计制作的,画面分为三层,形成三条装饰带,上层是采桑、射箭和狩猎,中层是射雁、宴饮和乐舞,底层是战争。整个画面构图严谨丰满,局部


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