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摘 要 在各个大型电站或其他行业之中,直流电源屏和UPS电源系统对维持电力系统的稳定性有着十分重要的意义。而及时的发现失效电池对保持直流电源屏的正常工作起着关键的作用。 本次毕业设计论文主要是使用MCS-51系列单片机中的一种AT89C4051对蓄电池巡检仪的硬件电路和软件编制做出初步的设计. 本次设计采用AT89C4051作为CPU,辅以三态缓冲器74HC244来读取并储存蓄电池组的站号,通过对电池不断的测量,如果上位机的发出的站号与电池的站号一致,那么测量值就可以发向上位机。而蓄电池的模拟信号的采集主要通过TLC549 A/D转换芯片来实现。数据通过光藕隔离和上位机通讯,在一定的召唤和应答规约之下通过RS485通讯端口便可以与PC机交换数据或与其他网络相连实现远程遥测的功能。 本篇论文采用PROTEL99软件来实现硬件电路的设计,软件采用C语言编程。 关键词:三态缓冲,数模转换,异步通讯, 规约 Abstract The DC Power Supply and Uninterruptable Power System often play a key role in maintaining the safety of large electrical equipment in Power Plant or other Transmission Substation. So Detecting the Batteries, which are in bad working condition, immediately seems very meaningful and so often is. This thesis mainly concentrates on the application of one kind of chip-AT89C4051 in MCS-51 family. In my thesis, I use the At89c4051 to design the theoretic map of measuring hardware and peripheries. Meanwhile, I further the discussion of software with C programmable language. In my thesis, I choose At89c4051 as the Central Process Unit accompany with Tri-State Buffer 74HC244 which is used to collect the code of the battery. In most of occasion, the upper control computer send the code of the battery in order to select the battery which we want to measure, at the same time, the measuring part could receive the signal. If the code accord exactly with protocol which is made by us, the measuring part start to upload the measuring result to the upper control computer. In this situation we use Serial Interface (RS485) to communicate with remote control unit or other PC through optical-Segregation in order to carry out the Long Distance Measurement. This thesis use Protel 99 as main designing tool to achieve hardware design and C programmable language to accomplish software design. Keywords: Tri-State Buffer A/D Converter Asynchronous Communication Protocol 概述 第一节:蓄电池在电力行业中的运用 直流操作电源系统是变电站、发电厂不可缺少的二次


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