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本科学生毕业设计 基于USB接口的脉搏检测仪的设计 名称: 专业班级: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 职 称: 黑 龙 江 工 程 学 院 二一二年六月 The Graduation Design for Bachelors Degree The Pluse—detecting Instrument based on USB interface Candidate: Specialty: Class: Supervisor: Heilongjiang Institute of Technology 2012-06·Harbin 摘 要 脉诊是中华医学的重要组成部分,也是中医临床上诊断病症的重要手段之一,中医脉学的许多推理虽然也有其合理的一面,但是毕竟只是一种主观的触觉,缺乏客观性和科学性。因此实现脉诊科学化是继承开拓中医脉学的重要途径。 本设计制作了一种基于 USB 接口的脉搏检测仪,该检测仪由硬件和软件两部分组成,硬件电路包括数据采集电路、放大滤波电路、控制电路及电源电路。其中数据采集部分采用的是光电脉搏传感器;放大电路采用了 AD620;滤波电路由二阶有源低通滤波器构成;控制电路选用了带 USB 控制器、ADC、内部时钟源、具有标准 CIP51 内核的微控制器 C8051F320软件包括固件程序设计、USB 设备驱动程序设计、数据采集程序设计等部分,其中固件程序、主机驱动程序由 C 语言编写,数据采集程序由 VB6.0 语言编写。该仪器同时具有使用、携带方便等优点。 关键词:脉搏;光电传感器;低通滤波;; Pulsology is an important component of Chinese medicine, mine while, it is oneof the important means in clinical diagnosis of the disease either, although many Chinese pulsology reasoning has a reasonable side, after all, it is just a subjective sensations and is lack of objective and scientific. Therefore, to inherit and pioneering Chinese Pulsology, realizing the scientific of Pulsology is very important. The pulse test instrument based on USB interface is designed and it can measure a person’s pulse online, the hardware and the software are made of it. The hardware includes the data collecting circuit, the amplifying and filtering circuit, the controlling circuit and the power circuit .The data collecting circuit is photosensor, the large filter circuit is AD620 as amplifiers. In the part of signal filtering,we design the active second-order low-pass filter circuit .The controlling circuit is a microprocessor of C8051F320 with USB controller, ADC, inner clock source. The software includes the firmware program, USB drivers program, data collecting program and the baseline drift correcting program. Firmware Program is complied with C language, the Data managing program is complied with Visual Basic 6.0. It can work well .It has the adv


李天佑 + 关注


